Content Packs

Hedgewars Downloadable Content

Here you can download various creations from the Hedgewars community, completely free of charge. Everything on this page has been reviewed by the Hedgewars team for appropriateness and reliability.

How to use

Just click on the add-on name to download something. Restart Hedgewars to complete the installation. You must restart the game after an add-on installation, otherwise it will not work.

Content such as maps, forts, themes and game styles require all participants in a room to have that content installed for anyone to use it, otherwise there will be errors! Hats, voices, music or replacement sprites (different looks for weapons) do not require this.

To remove any content, simply delete it from the Data directory under your Hedgewars configuration directory (the same place Demos and Screenshots are found). The locations for your Hedgewars configuration are:

~/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars

List of official add-ons

Patagonia v1 Morning in Patagonia KIRA 899 KiB 2024-12-30 CC BY-SA 4.0
Building v1 Construction site KIRA 711 KiB 2021-06-12 CC BY-SA 4.0
Far West v2 In the canyons of North America KIRA 653 KiB 2021-01-14 CC BY-SA 4.0
Outback v1 In the outback KIRA 1.1 MiB 2021-04-21 CC BY-SA 4.0
Doctor v2 Life (and death) in a hospital Kakcoo 307 KiB 2020-10-09 FDL 1.2
Teknologi v2 Circuit boards and electronic devices Kakcoo 339 KiB 2020-10-09 FDL 1.2
Pond v7 Pond with cattails, frogs and more KIRA 779 KiB 2021-04-21 CC BY-SA 4.0
Antarctic v11 Welcome to the Antarctic! KIRA 753 KiB 2020-10-07 CC BY-SA 4.0
KoBeWi's official themes Includes these themes: Beehive_v2, Belly_v2, Crystal_v2, Dreamland_v3, Factory_v3, Fire_v2, Sanctuary_v3, Sky_v3, Slime_v4 KoBeWi 4.4 MiB 2019-10-28 CC BY 4.0
22 themes by Luelle Includes these themes: Africa_v1, Baby_v1, BoysToys_v1, Coins_v1, Fakes_v1, NewYork_v1, Smoke_v1, Arctic_v1, Burger_v1, Colorado_v1, Geo_v1, Nightmare_v1, Autumn_v1, Candle_v1, Construction_v1, Jungle2_v1, Planet_v1, Bath2_v1, Casino_v1, Dragon_v1, Moon_v1, Skull_v1 Luelle 10.6 MiB 2013-06-29 FDL 1.2
Military v1 Military theme SQR218 904 KiB 2012-07-16 None
ClimbHome map ClimbHome as a map nemo 87 KiB 2016-03-25 LGPL v2.1
Tunnel Maps, v1 3 tunnel-based maps 10 MiB 2011-10-04 FDL 1.2
Absurdanipal Caverns, v1 A 8192×4096 tunnel map (needs 0.9.18 or later) 14 MiB 2012-11-16 FDL 1.2
Sofa Wars Sofa Wars map. For Kootooloo. 614 KiB 2013-03-15 None
TVs, v1 Televisions map Randy 1.6 MiB 2017-10-13 None
Star Race, v4 A very large rope race. Converted by sphrix sphrix 7.6 MiB 2013-11-16 None
Game styles
Ready Timer Allows for more ready-time (the time before the turn begins, keypress aborts it). Customizable via script parameter in game scheme! E.g. “ready=10000,script2=Highlander 1 KiB 2014-03-30 CC0
Consumerism 1.1b “Be greedy, buy your weapons!” Vatten 6 KiB 2014-01-19 MIT
Contact-Shoppa, v1 Shoppa with a twist: The weapon is you! After collecting a crate, you become venomous. Touch other hedgehogs (friends or foes!) during the same turn to deal 10 base damage + damage based on remaining turn time! Collect more crates in same turn to increase damage. (Note: Add startdamage=X, bonusdamage=X in the script parameter and replace the “X”es to tweak the damage.) sheepluva 3 KiB 2020-12-15 LGPL v2.1
Poison Graves, v2 Graves emit poison. Intended to spice up Clean Slate. (needs 0.9.20 or later) 980 B 2013-12-22 CC0
The Random Specialists, v2 The Specialists, but with randomly assigned health and weapons. KIRA 3 KiB 2019-12-13 MIT
The Specialists 2: Hogs of Liberty, v1 The Specialists, but with differnt hedgehog classes. KIRA 3 KiB 2019-12-13 FDL 1.2
The Specialists Reloaded, v4 The Specialists, but with extra classes to choose from by using the script parameter KIRA 4 KiB 2021-01-19 LGPL v2.1
Hedge Stranding, v1 Hedge Stranding: A Hedgewards minigame KIRA 5 KiB 2020-09-24 LGPL v2.1
Game Hacks, v22 Adds over 100 experimental game modifiers using the script parameter in game schemes, so you can tweak the game even more. Only for advanced users. See the included README file to learn how it works. Wuzzy 43 KiB 2020-04-29 FDL 1.2
Monarchy, v20 Monarchy is a hedgewars minigame intended for a group of 4 or more players. The rules are based on classic card games.
Notes for script parameters:
ffa = no role
duck = Easter egg weapon Bunny!
multi = two abilities each
Tiotimolina 13 KiB 2024-02-21 MIT
RPG Mode, v12 A script which adds RPG elements to standard gameplay. Pick classes, level up your hedgehogs and unlock powerful weapon variations.
randomclasses=true - assigns random classes to hedgehogs without a picked class.
disableunderhog=true - disables underhog mechanic.
disabletierlock=true - allows picking classes from all unlocked tiers.
disabletripledrown=true - disables triple drown mechanic.
debugmode=true - enables debug mode. Press Precise + Down to increase the current hedgehog's level by one. Intended for testing and debugging purposes.
noweaponsonfirstturn=true - prevents hedgehogs from attacking on first round.
Note: If you're experiencing desync errors with this script, try re-downloading it.
KoBeWi, Shadow_The_Worm 9 KiB 2023-04-17 CC BY-SA 4.0
gBiped's Mixed Hats Mixed hats, including flat cap, farmer, maid, microwave and various faces gBiped 61 KiB 2019-10-10 CC BY-SA 4.0
gBiped's Mongols Many variants of Mongol headwear gBiped 40 KiB 2019-10-10 CC BY-SA 4.0
gBiped's Lovecraftian Hats Turn your hogs into terrible monsters! gBiped 20 KiB 2019-10-10 CC BY-SA 4.0
SOPA Internet censorship hat. 645 B 2012-01-18 CC0
Hats A bunch of hats off the hats forum thread. (various authors) 107 KiB 2011-10-02 None
Even more hats More hats from the Hats thread, mostly sci-fi hats from Red Dwarf, Star Wars, Star Trek and Serenity (various authors) 210 KiB 2011-11-17 None
Hats Hats Hats Hat thread content. Zoo animals, Core/Sphere sci-fi, kitty ears and more. (various authors) 242 KiB 2012-08-03 None
Soldier Male, Soldier Female 2 soldier voices (male and female) Jeffrey M. Smith, Giselle, Wuzzy 1.1 MiB 2020-12-13 CC0
HillBilly_pl Hill-Billy voice in Polish mtg90pl 880 KiB 2018-08-26 FDL 1.2
Robot_pl Robot voice in Polish mtg90pl 765 KiB 2018-08-26 FDL 1.2
Deutsch Wuzzy 3.1 German voice Wuzzy 899 KiB 2018-08-26 MIT
Pinkie Ultra-happy female voice about parties and cupcakes. Reitanna Seishin, Wuzzy 678 KiB 2018-12-08 CC0
Retro A partial adaptation of Juhani Junkala/SubspaceAudio's “The Essential Retro Video Game Sound Effects Collection” as a Hedgewars voicepack. Contains only non-verbal sounds. 506 KiB 2017-08-01 CC0
Wuzzy's Unsorted Flag Pack, v8 Almost 200 flags Wuzzy created Wuzzy 120 KiB 2016-04-06 CC0
The Almost Ultimate Community Flag Pack, v1 Over a hundred community created flags (various authors) 93 KiB 2016-04-06 None
The Historical Pack, v1 Some German historical flags and an invented flag HALP 3 KiB 2018-12-13 None
Old main menu music Main menu music from an older Hedgewars version 1.5 MiB 2019-10-24 FDL 1.2
PAotH Planetary Association of the Hedgehogs. Map, Hats, Fort, Flags. Star and Moon 374 KiB 2012-05-24 None

Affiliates is an independent repository for add-ons. The content submitted to that site is reviewed by bender314. The Hedgewars Developer Team considers him to be a trustworthy source, and will periodically review the content. Visit the Downloadable Content page


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