0.9.12 Tournament Coordination
Wohoo, thanks for signing up folks! This is going to be fun. The ladder is here.
Unfortunately, a lot of the matches (about 1/3) didn't happen in this last week for various reasons. Therefor we are extending Round #1 for another week, you have until Sunday, the 29th of November, to play your matches.
Please subscribe to our twitter account http://twitter.com/hedgewars to get early announcements of upcoming streams which are going to be available on this page.
So how is this going to work? All players, please read on carefully.
There's a special forum category where only you can join. Please post your announcements there.
General Rules
- Each player must use his login (same password as on the website).
- A party must consist of two players and two teams.
- Each team will have two hedgehogs, so it will be 4 hedgehogs per side.
- AI teams are forbidden.
- Players must use the same teams all the way through the tournament.
- Each round consists of 3 matches against the opponent, the party which wins 2 times first moves to the next round.
Demos & Disruptions (update!)
- When a match is finished, players must announce the winners in the tournament forum.
- Demos must be saved and uploaded for each match.
- Matches not played within the week schedule will be subject to review. If one or both parties are found to be responsible for the match not being played, that player/players will be knocked out of the tournament.
- If a network problem occurs kicking all players at the same time (e.g. server crashes) the match will be replayed.
- If a network problem happens to one player the match will be played to the end with the remaining players.
When you play your matches and you feel like someone did a nice turn or kill, please note the time and tell us in the announcement thread. We're planning on doing a fragmovie with a best of compilation (:
- Every game in a particular round must be played within the week scheduled for that round.
- Organising when a match is played within the week scheduled is down to the players.
I propose using http://doodle.com/ to find the perfect date and time for your matches. It's quite easy to use (no signup needed). Nevertheless, you should check your PM Inbox and the tournament forums on hedgewars.org regularily.
Game scheme & weapon sets
- Rounds #1, #3 and the finals will be played using default game scheme and weapon set.
- Round #2 will be played with Pro Mode game scheme and Pro Mode weapon set.
- Round #4 will be played with a special config (Artillery+Pro Mode) which I will post later.
- Round #1, #2, #3 and #4 will take place on a randomly generated, medium-sized map.
- The finals will take place on a uservoted map, more on that in the tournament forums.
Finally, we can and will assist you as much as we can. E.g. we can setup game rooms and rules for you or supply TeamSpeak servers if you feel like it. Just get in touch, preferrably via IRC.
Good kills
- jessor's blog
- Login or register to post comments
Where will the rounds be played? On the official server, on some other server...?
All games will be played on the official server.
Pro mode:D Gooood.
I've got a question... Will be there, in the near future, 1 vs 1 tournament?
Yes. We won't forget about you lonesome riders :P
There will be show matches with live streams and actions for the shoppa crowd, too. Stay with us
when will the turnier start, at what time?
It's in the rules. One round per week.
Take a look at the ladder and get in contact with your opponents to arrange a date + time within this week.
will there be any shoppa tournament sometimes?
i am really good at shoppa and i want to make a shoppa tournament,too.
read my fourth comment
how can i tell my opponents the date?
PS: sry 4 so much questions, i am german and do not understand all what is written in those textes
and: does the "kamikaze" symbol mean, that we will be automaticly in the next round?
you can ask in german if you must, it's my motherlanguage (:
communicate with your partners and opponents with the PM system.
you're right, the kamikaze hog means those players got a joker.
hello all i write on this page because i don't know how play for the tournament
im french and my english is very very bad ... please help me !!!!!
Hi uolim,
try http://translate.google.de/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fhedgewars.org%2Fnode%2F1850&sl=en&tl=fr&hl=de&ie=UTF-8
Anyways, you're too late for this one. It already started
who must record the demo? the 4 players, one per team, or just one player?
everyone, but only one must be uploaded.
what do you mean by demo?
Demos are essentially recordings of your matches. You can find them in ~/.hedgewars/Demos/ in *nix,
or %USERPROFILE%\.hedgewars\Demos\ in Windows.
Make sure you set "append date/time do demos" in the hedgewars setting.
hey cool, wusste garnicht, dass du deutsch bist
, naja, jetzt hab ich keine fragen mehr... 
na dann hau rein, mach sie alle
Will you show tournament matches at the livestream?
ok ich versuchs, aber ich glaub, wenn ich gegen dct pro mode spielen muss verlier ich
yes, but we need to know the date of matches (obvsly). coordinating that will be way easier in round #2 and #3.
talk to us on #hedgewars
what is this twitter thing and what has it to do with the livestreams???
Do i have to make an account there with my Hedgewars-playername?
ps.: is it a picture of you as avatar and are you a boy or a girl?
Twitter is a social network, and it has nothing to do with the livestreams...nothing but that there will be announced the term of any livestream mentioned. Livestreams will be available at
If you are not interested in watching livestreams then you don't have to make an account. Your choice.
Good question:D
I have been curious for a long time
yes it's a picture of me and yes i am a boy xD
♫ DJ. LisT ♫
how are the real default mode weapons? i have this default mode and i think it's broken.
Naa, It's OK
Damn, the prettiest boy ever xD
♫ DJ. LisT ♫
ohh leute, she is not a boy
FAKE! artart78 has made his little inquiry, and he found:
=> http://geekosphere.org/
=> http://geekosphere.org/contributors/
=> http://last.fm/user/jesseunseen
=> "jesse, 26, Man, Germany"
Yes, artart78 has time to lose.
Uh, thank you, I suppose. Um, but uh yeah, this, I don't think I should answer. What if I told you it would ruin the mystique, you guys? Umm, and then um, bububuh, I dunno, really, huh.
♫ DJ. LisT ♫
jessor = BAWKSY!!!
I love your voice :P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yavx9yxTrsw << NSFW :P
Jessor:yes it's a picture of me and yes i am a boy xD
I think im gay from this moment on...
artart78...that wasn't necessary...

Magik_18l- you're absolutely right
Thomas- from now on we all are my friend
Me- DAMN!!!
noch eine frage : wie kann ich die demo dann uploaden?
hat sich erledigt... ;D
I always have right
jessor, prepare for punishment ^^
masked ninja will kill you
ownage is imminent. we will eat your hoggy flesh alive.
There is a speciall fold on this very site. At the top of it there's an option "add your demo".
Didn't get the word "erdedigt"...Does it mean that you have solved your problem yourself?
Yes, he solved his problem himself.
I dont see my name on the ladder and i signed up, why is this?
We tried to contact you last week through separate channels and couldn't reach you. i had to do the ladder. Sorry.
I still haven't heard anything from sharpe.
Maybe MiSsEd could be on my team instead if he wants to play?? Only three days to figure something out.
hmmm, i made the suggestion that we play on Saturday at 19:00
and my opponent wrote that he coldnt reach his teammate,
so i wrote again that we play sunday at 20:00 and my opponnent answered that they can play at 22:00 what is too late for my teammate, cause he has to work...
so what now?
Please read the update on top of this post
Is there any way I can get a new partner since the one I have doesn't want to play any more? If anyone elses partner quit, I'ld be happy to switch teams.
I can't contact pschyrum and llapingachos who are our opponents in the first round. no respond till now. anybody knows them or how to get in touch with them?