TS tournament - Oimat vs Kiofspa 1st game
Thu, 2013-01-31 22:29 — Kootooloo
Demo for the first game is broken, it shows the "Synchronizing" box so you will have to scroll manually. Sorry!
Demo for the first game is broken, it shows the "Synchronizing" box so you will have to scroll manually. Sorry!
This "Synchonizing" message is indeed annoying. Is there any way to fix the demo? The demo itself ran totally fine, there is just this "Synchronizing" message. As long as you scroll to the action you can view the demo, but it is annoying.
This was a pretty clear win, I think.
Blue's Engineer was quite clever at 0:12:15. But at the and, it didn’t help at all.
Most stupid accident was when (red) Kiofspa's Demo who fell down at 0:10:?? and lost 1 health and losing the turn. It is stupid because I KNEW it beforehand. I thought "It will fail. It WILL fail". It failed.
After the Oimat sniper sniped red's demo pretty hard (after the 3rd and 4th shot …), I would probably have quickly portal'd to him to finish him with an infinite loop, not just skipping. On the other hand, time was short …
It is generally rarely seen that the sniper really snipes in a Specialists game, I think this is worth a mention.
The worst stragic fail was when the blue sniper hurt the red soldier. It was a strategic fail because the soldier finally could kill the blue demo, which wouln’t be possible without Sniper's help.
Overall the usage of the blue sniper was a total epic fail. He missed a thausand times, he shot portals at totally useless spots to make death by drowinging unnessarily hard. Oh, and I stopped counting the number of missed opportunities just with this sniper.
Therefore the award for ultimate lameness goes to the blue sniper.
I guess the sniper really deserved to be punched in the face for that.
I think the finishing move was pretty awesome.