Hedgehog glue—When everyone fails so hard at rope knocking
This is just a completely fucked-up and funny shoppa round with four players, including me.
I found this round exceptionally funny because there was one certain hedgehog—.o'o'o'oloZIT.— which constantly refused to get rope-knocked away. It is as if this hedgehog has been glued to this spot. This was because the place where it spawned was very narrow.
I laughed really hard seeing how ALL players wasted their time failing to knock .o'o'o'oloZIT. away. And it took up a notable big part of the game.
Even attempts with a drill rocket, deagle and a mine failed.
When it was its turn, I just skipped the turn. Why? Because it’s glued! That’s why! And the other players continiued to try … xD
But eventually it got un-glued with a baseball bat by Vo. Vo took .o'o'o'oloZIT.’s place instead for a while.
Near the end of the game, Vo got finally rope-knocked. Was about time!
Played in Hedgewars version: 0.9.19