0.9.20 Beta!
A new version of Hedgewars is about to be released, you can help by testing it!
Below are links to download it:
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8: HERE
There is currently a bug in the Windows Release build we are trying to iron out. Please download the FIXED ENGINE and copy it over the hwengine.exe from the prior zip. This should allow playing against Linux.
OSX should hopefully be available in the next few days.
For Linux users of the Debian/Ubuntu bent, see:
Building on Linux for simple copy and paste build instructions that you can use to build any version of Hedgewars, including this beta (other distros are welcome to provide instructions too!).
The fixed hwengine above is against a293a9ecdc82, so for playing against Windows, use: hg up -r a293a9ecdc82
For trying things like the Poison Graves in DLC, or unc0rr's No Gravity script (which is fun in shoppa), latest tip will be needed, but that of course will lose sync against the Windows Beta.
Please don't forget to report any bugs
"Hedgewars 0.9.20 is just around the corner, wait for it..."

- Randy's blog
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Dear Hedgewars devs,
I have an unusual request for you:
please be so nice and do NOT release 0.9.20 stable before the grand tournaments and the shoppa cup have ended.
You will avoid a lot of chaos and confusion then.
Christmas release!
Any particular reason tournament can't just use latest stable for the next few rounds?
I don't see any particular issues with this, apart from unc0rr having changed the weaponset for default*, and that can be solved by either using a custom weaponset, or just using the new default.
Really, if people decide to do their match in .19 or in .20, I don't see that big of a problem, so long as they agree to it.
* https://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/source/detail?r=74445ca0b489c6443653467bc48d33bbf2fa4c79
Dear Wuzzy,
as organizer of both tournaments, I do not see affected in any sense of gaming or organization the fact that the new version of the Hedgewars is liberated.
In the case of Shoppa, it still the same.
In the case of Default, I think it's much fair the new scheme because it does not have RC Plane, Freezer, or Portal wich are weapos overpowered.
I hope that you understand me.
Cheers, Randy.
I take back my request.
This does not mean this topic is done for good.
This is actually a tournament problem, not a Hedgewars problem. I will continue this discussion in the Default Tournament thread.
PS: Randy: Are you even aware that you just contradicted yourselves in just two sentences?
What do you mean? Cleaver is still available.
Hey, guys!
For 0.9.20 i made copy of old scheme from 0.9.19.
you can insert old Default weapon scheme:
insert this string:
(too long string, gets out from area, to select down, NOT ACROSS)
into the end of this file:
in ~/Hedgewars/weapons.ini in Linux
or MyDocuments/weapons.ini in Windows
And we can continue tournament, even 0.9.20 stable will relesed
Its a great day for all hedgearians
Merry Christmas! (eve or whatever)
linux version?
grousafis, you're posting in a beta thread.
There have been several linux updates by distros.
If you don't want to wait for your distro anymore, please see: