Copper Cup Bufon (AI LEVEL 4) v. Knights (AI LEVEL 1)
Mon, 2014-08-04 08:42 — getreal
Bufon 4-1 Knights Bufon won Messages from owner: the very last hog in Knights got killed by a Bufon wins flawless victory 3rd hog down from knights last hog remaning who will win? another hog bites the dust from knights 1 hog down from knights 1 hog down from bufon Knights come in as underdogs
Knights will get kicked out if they don't get a better result
Comments from Knights
Hog 1: Kill all organics
Hog 2: our bad but Hog 1 had a malfunction also Hog 3 was to much on
his before the match so his fighting skills became like a
Hog 3: My got *sob* distroyed by *sob* a another
Hog 4: The stupid bufon rascals never even let me have a chance to ride the seven seys i got kill'd by a explodin' even the was stolen from PAoTh.
Bufon are great they will be sipping champange tonight.
Comments from Bufon
Whole team: WE ARE AWESOME