Hedgewars Gideon, you have something i want - mission to program competitive games, peer-to-peer

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User offline. Last seen 2 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2022-01-20
Posts: 1

you may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of but you do not - redoing what was done before is no step forward, siding with the Empire by doing server when Republic, Jedi and mandalorian credo is peer-to-peer, having no competitive scene no liquipedia page - is waving the white flag to money, allowing their copy-cat game industry manager madness to continue - when did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for madness?!

soon he will be back with me - simple as Game Changers: if Federer instead of competing for grand-slams was satisfied playing in some local weekend swiss league, if Linux (should be called Freax but inner Jabba the Hutt prevailed) was ok with "some open source OS" instead of running everywhere including on Mars, if torrent clients looked apologetically down-up at company-networks of browser instead of simply generating most traffic in the world, if Jesus instead of giving sight to blind gave them walking stick - even Empire would hunt them down for being too evil

he means more to me than you will ever know - even dust of Hedgewars starport i shake off of Razor Crest's landing gear, but be sure - peer-to-peer programs, including competitive games - are coming, better than what money can program - no projects no experiments no niche - programs, are on their way, like Pat Brown and Impossible Foods mission

this is the way

James Blunt: yes, absolutely - most of my songs are about you

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