I'd like to request an IRC chat ban appeal

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Shadow_The_Worm's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2018-02-10
Posts: 50

Hello. I'd like to request an IRC chat ban appeal. Yes, I admit that I was very wild and cuckoo crazy last year, leading to my ban on all of my IP addresses I had in store (including the Cloudflare WARP address). However, this year I used a little open hole that appeared on one of my IP addresses (the main city house one) (I couldn't access IRC through any other IPs) for mostly technical help regarding building Hedgewars from alfadur, along with one semi-political interaction with Steppenwolf, a DLC upload interaction with sheepluva (including two hotfixes), a meeting with smarmy and a demo recovery interaction with t1m013y. And then... my access to IRC has recently shut down completely again. I tell you, I didn't cause any major misbehaviors or go all wild like I did last year. And, all my clone account joining the IRC was more accidental than intentional (I only used these accounts to continue chat after a disconnect in case my main IRC account hasn't timed out yet. Please unblock me from IRC chat access. Yours sincerely, Shadow The Worm.

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