Some people really need to learn no actually means no.

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User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Joined: 2011-05-10
Posts: 6

AC and dynamical both keep trolling and spam-joining when their target of choice is active in a room, like so:

On top of that, both do repeated attempts of trolling after expressively having asked them to be left alone. Both AC and dynamical are pretty persistent with constantly annoying people being tired of them, and apparently have no plans to stop. And on top of it all, AC and sometimes some other players occasionally insult newbies, as if the presence of the same wasn’t rare enough already.

While I appreciate the apparently finally happening efforts of making the public server a welcoming place for everyone, it would be great if something could be done about AC and dynamical specifically. Others asked AC to be left alone, I asked dynamical to be left alone, and both keep bugging their targets each. As if they had nothing else to do in life.

And chances are there are more people doing the same thing but not being so well known yet, this kind of thing generally needs to stop. Not just by what admins need to do, but by the offenders themselves.

If you’re one of the people this complaint is about: Start playing guitar or something, but stop draining life energy from other people already. Ok? Thank you very much.

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