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User offline. Last seen 13 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2024-12-03
Posts: 1

Hi, i choose scheme HedgeEditor, but my inventory is EMPTY, only SKIP is in inventory. And it is like a normal game, not like a editor.

I want to build some new leveles. Also is it possible to choose exact spawn locations for all team when creating new map?

I just want to create a level/map, where i draw my own terrain, a choose exact spawn locations for all worms. Currently that is all I want. Later I would like to create scripted scenarios.


I'am now reading the introduction to the editor : I dont know what is the point of GameLogExtractor.html and where to copy it to, and how to use it. I'am really lost here.

-- EDIT : I found out that you can change this in scheme to disable autogenerated objeects. Also when i handdraw a terrain "map type - hand drawn", how do i choose to keep the terrain without any auto generated terrain objects? There are som trees or stuff in the terrain autogenerated into my hand drawn terrain.

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