Hedgewars Comics Thread

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Star and Moon
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Strip # 32

Poor, stupid Star...

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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Strip # 32
EDIT: Comic removed at the moment.


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Star and Moon
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Sorry about that, I had posted up the wrong comic, new ones will be up this weekend. (and I DO mean more than one Smile.)

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Big Grin

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Star and Moon
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Strip # 33

I don't have anything to say to that either.

Star and Moon
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Strip # 34

Oh no!

ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be making PAotH Pack v.2, because, to be honest, I kinda rushed the original PAotH Pack, and it didn't end up having as much stuff as I wanted.

It will have all the stuff the original one had, and some new stuff, including,
More Hats! I will have 4 new hats, which will be the PAotH helmets with camoflauge on them.
More Wallpaper! I only ended up making one for the pack, one of the wallpapers I will be doing will be a rehash of this one with PAotH characters and different background.
Expect that and more!

Star and Moon
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Strip # 35

FOSS vs. Team17!

Star and Moon
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Strip # 36

2 terrible mistakes in row! What a coincidence!

Tip: Now using Imgur instead of Imageshack.

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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Strip # 35

FOSS vs. Team17!

Lul the last scene is awesome xD nice job

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Star and Moon
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PAotH Pack V.2 available in first post!

EDIT: PAotH Pack V.2.5 released because a typo was found in a wallpaper.

Star and Moon
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Strip # 37

Red Rockets are still cursed.

Star and Moon
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Strip # 38

Star and Moon
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Strip # 39

EDIT: OK, somehow I accidentally made a reference to the end of Portal 2, but that was before I knew what the ending was. Pretty funny, if you ask me.

Star and Moon
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Strip # 40

Star and Moon
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I am no longer posting my comics to this thread. Updates will be posted here instead: http://www.hedgewars.org/comic (link also viewable in the first post.)

EDIT: due to popular demand (AKA two people) I've decided to start posting comics back here again.

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Star and Moon
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Due to popular demand (AKA two people) I've decided to start posting comics back here again.

Strip 41:

Strip 42:

Strip 43:

Strip 44:

Strip 45:

Star and Moon
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Strip 46:

Strip 47:

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Star and Moon
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Strip 48:

Strip 49:

Dark Spyro
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HAHA XD Funny comic XD. I'm sure I will like it Big Grin


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Dark Spyro
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I'm still laughing with Star and Moon's comic XD.


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Star and Moon
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50th Comic Special:

Comic 51:

Dark Spyro
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That funny :/.


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Yeah really funny comic Big Grin.
I heard Dark Spyro will copy your comic and paste to microsoft word or powerpoint :/.

Star and Moon, tell me, is there anymore comic release? What strip do you need to reach? Well have fun. Smile

Dark Spyro
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Yeah I just copy Star and Moon's comic and done but not yet to release. I believe you Smile

Spyro, have you finish your shoppa and highlander training for this day?


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Star and Moon
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Uh... what? I don't understand what's going on here.

Star and Moon
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Comic 52:

Dark Spyro
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lol nice! Star didn't know which one is Wheatley XD.
It blue ONE!!!


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Nice comic, still laughing with your comic Big Grin
Did he use the wrong robot (Orange)?

Yes Dark Spyro, I'm finish my trainer with shoppa and highlander but still didn't beat Sad Smiley Tell me Dark pls?

Star and Moon
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Comic 53:

Sorry I've been slow on the progress of comics lately, I'll try to make some more.
Comic 54:

Comic 55:

Comic 56

Comic 57:

Comic 58:

Comic 59:

Comic 60:

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Big Grin

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Star and Moon
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Comic 61:

Sorry for the delay, my router fried a few days ago and I had no internet access.

Star and Moon
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And thusly, the great PAotH comics make a return!

Comic 62:

Comic 63:

Comic 64:

Noob.com_123-321's picture
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Bring back the worms, this time make THEM the aliens, and make them in their 1995 form.

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Star and Moon
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Noob.com_123-321 allegedly wrote:

Bring back the worms, this time make THEM the aliens, and make them in their 1995 form.

But they were the aliens. Also the worms are not coming back, I'm done with them.

Comic 65:

Comic 66:

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Add the worms back in their 1995 form! Please! Make the hedgehogs call them the aliens!!!

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Star and Moon
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Noob.com_123-321 allegedly wrote:

Add the worms back in their 1995 form! Please! Make the hedgehogs call them the aliens!!!

Sorry but, I need to do other things. I'm done with the worms.

Comic 67:

Comic 68:

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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Noob.com_123-321 allegedly wrote:

Add the worms back in their 1995 form! Please! Make the hedgehogs call them the aliens!!!

Sorry but, I need to do other things. I'm done with the worms.

Then use tanks from scorched earth instead!

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Star and Moon
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Noob.com_123-321 allegedly wrote:

Then use tanks from scorched earth instead!

Picture, please?

glum reaper
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Noob.com_123-321 allegedly wrote:

Then use tanks from scorched earth instead!

Picture, please?

The blobs are the tanks.

Proud member of Death's Angels for 3 billion years.

Star and Moon
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Hmm, yes I see.

Comic 69:

Star and Moon
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Hey guys! Progress update, just made an awesome new Wheatley sprite set:

(Note, the sprites shown off here have been exported to twice the size so it's easier to see details.

And, as some of you smarter chaps have probably already realized, yes, Wheatley will be appearing again!

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Judging by the shape, you could probably make those into a type of 'hat' if you wanted.
Just a random thought. Smile

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hey cheeze, yeah, I was thinking it might also make a nice sprite for Target, maybe in a custom script.
I was thinking w/ physfs in .19, at some future point a script or extension pack could selectively override parts of game resources.
That is, load an override pack for game appearance that is only used by that script, and w/o mucking up rest of game.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Star and Moon
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CheezeMonkey allegedly wrote:

Judging by the shape, you could probably make those into a type of 'hat' if you wanted.
Just a random thought. Smile

Welp, already made "hats" out of the original Wheatley sprite, but I ought to redo them, as the eyes of the other cores are completely all wrong.

Anyways, Comic 70:

Comic 71:

Comic 72:

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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

CheezeMonkey allegedly wrote:

Though I never really comment on your comic strips, I wanted to say that in comic 71, I thought the scene where they time travel looks really well made. Smile
Keep it up.

Star and Moon
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Comic 73:

Star and Moon
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Comic 74:

Star and Moon
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Comic 75 Special:

Comic 76:

Comic 77:

Comic 78:

Comic 79:

Comic 80:

Comic 81:

Comic 82

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