Hedgewars Tournament '15 - Results & Demos - Winners!

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After 3 epic games we have the winners...!!!

Congratulations to you guys!

Remember to ask me what kind of hat you want, Wuzzy and KompleX...

Thanks to you all!

The best part of the tournament is here!

The Epic Final

Congratulations to the three finalists: Wuzzy, Randy and KompleX for being here. We wish to them the best!

Tournament ladder for this round...

The 3 matches will be played in this weekend, so stay on server to watch some nice action!


Let's talk about how this round will work. The first match will be Randy v. Wuzzy, then Randy v. KompleX and the last match of the tournament will be Wuzzy v. KompleX.

What will determinate the winner of the tournament?

Case A.

The player who wins his 2 matches will be the champion. And the other match will determine the 2nd and 3rd.

Case B.

If every player wins 1 game and loses the other. We will count in first term, how the score was in the Epic Final:

Example: Randy v. Wuzzy ends 3-0 for Randy. // Randy v. KompleX ends 2-3 for KompleX // Wuzzy v. KompleX ends 3-2 for Wuzzy. In this case the Winner will be Randy for difference of score (win/lost).

In second term, how the score was in the entery Tournament:

Example: The 3 games ends with the same score... 3-2. We will count how the score was in previous rounds...

KompleX's score history is: 2-0 // 2-0 and 3-2
Randy's score history is: 2-1 // 2-0 and 3-2
Wuzzy's score history is: 2-0 // 2-1 and 3-1

In this case the decisive match will be KompleX v. Wuzzy.

I hope you understand this way... Smile

-Now... what about prizes???


  1. A pack of 4 top-design hats that will be officialy added to the game in the next version!
  2. 1 official hat of your own wish.
  3. 1 official hat of your own wish.

Happy? See ya soon... and remember:

Good luck and BE SCAREEED, I mean have fun! Smile

The best part of the tournament is about to start...


Check out your opponent:

The deadline ends next Friday at 23:59 UTC Time. Six days are enough for 6 players Smile

Remember that in this round and in the Epic Final each match will be played to the best of 5 games.

I want to mention that in the middle of the week, I'll publish about some new prizes !

Good luck,
Have Fun!

Flying Flying

Let's Battle!

Round 2

Here you have your opponent for this round..

You have time to play untill Friday 6th of March at 23:59 UTC

Good luck,
Have Fun!

Due to the fact that it continues without getting any response of certain players (poszy, COLOLO & Mercuricalis). I have decided to re-group those players who have been active. Here is the result:

Romanus Furens v. Fanat

barcelona1937 v. (new player)

I want to mention that there is a new spot for a new player. The new participant must make a comment here with his nick, his team name and his time zone.

You have time to play untill Thursday 26th of February at 23:59 UTC

I hope you agree with the taken decision.

New deadline is Thursday 26th of February at 23:59 UTC!

Round 1 is about to finish and some games have not been play:

Mercuricalis v. Romanus
KompleX v. cri.thegrinch
Fanat v. pozsy
barcelona1936 v. COLOLO

I am obliged to extend the deadline three days.
I would like to stress that some players have not been seen on the server,
Mercuricalis, pozsy and COLOLO, and if they do not show any evidence
that they have been looking to find their rivals
they will be eliminated from the Tournament.

In that case, the rest of the players who have been around will be re-grouped to play the Round 1.

Last update, Monday 23th of February at 21:48 UTC -3

Round 1

Here is the pair-up made randomly for this round:

.:Deadline is Monday 23th of February at 23:59 UTC-3:.


Orange! Rules

The tournament is based in 10 rules:

  1. - Each game will use a variable of Default mode, called Default T. (Because there is a small change, the playing order must not be random). The Default weapon set, health and turn time will be the same as the “official Default”.

  2. - Each match will take place on a randomly generated map with the Map Size set as "Large" (The way of the land generation detail is up to players at the time of the game). Refresh the map after each game. You can use any theme except Art, because it is too dark.

  3. - Each team must contain 6 hedgehogs. No more no less.

  4. - In the first two games, the playing order should not be random. One player should go first in the first game, the other in the second game. If a third game is required, it should be played with a random playing order.

  5. - Each match will be played to the best of three games, Final and Semi-Finals will be best of 5.

  6. - You have to upload the demo (hedgewars demo section) and post the links to them when you announce the match results. Only the winner of the match has to do this. The demos prove that your victory was fair, until you don’t give us the demo you are not considered the winner.

  7. - When creating a room, please include the word "tournament" somewhere in the room name, and remember to restrict team additions.

  8. - We are going to assign your opponent randomly with a Tournament Generator made by Vatten.

  9. - A - Every game in a particular round must be played within the week scheduled for that round.

    - B - Matches not played within the week schedule will be subject to review, if one or both parties are found to be responsible for the match not being played, those respective player(s) will be disqualified for the remaining duration of the tournament.

  10. - If a network problem occurs whilst both teams have more than 3 hogs the match will be replayed.If a network problem occurs when one team has less than 3 hogs, the team with the most hogs/health at the time is declared the winner. Since 0.9.21, if one player disconnect he can return to the game. So, this rule just applies if the player who was disconnected doesn’t rejoin the game.


Announcing your victory

When a match is finished, the winner must announce his-her victory at the end of THIS post. The winner has to leave a comment which it must contain, the name, opposing player’s name, result for each game and a link to the demo for each game.


Respecting deadlines

Some of the biggest disappointments in previous tournaments were due to this, we want to make sure this won’t happen again.
At the start of each round, we’ll post pairings for that week (in the tournament ladder). If Round 1 starts the 16th of January, all the games should be played by midnight on Sunday 22th of January ( a 7 days deadline). Please remember each match in the round consists of 3 games with your opponent. You don’t have to play them all at once, but you have to play them within the week of the round.



Q- How can I arrange a time to play with my opponent?
A- You can always try with www.doodle.com or just sending a private message on hedgewars.org

Q- What does "the best of three games mean?
A- EX:
Round 1= Randy vs. Mystery. Mystery won 0-1
Round 2= Randy vs. Mystery. Randy won 1-1
Round 3= Randy vs. Mystery. Mystery won 1-2
Mystery and Randy have played 3 GAMES. But Mystery wins 2-1, so he won the best of three games!

Q- Why should I talk to my opponent, if I get disconnected?
A- You should ask him if he wants to replay the game. If he doesn't want to, that's his own choice; he can claim a win for that game.

Q- How can I save my demo?
A- Look at this guide: http://imgur.com/a/ghujP

Q- Where can I found the demo?
A- You can find it in those following System at

    Windows: My Documents/hedgewars or C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\hedgewars/Demos
    Linux: ~/.hedgewars/Demos
    MAC: Library/Application Support/Hedgewars/Demos

Q- Where can I upload it?
A- You can upload it at the Hedgewars/Demos section http://www.hedgewars.org/demos. Remember to post the link of the demos when you comment announcing your victory!

Q- I have never played Default mode. How can I learn?
A- Just play a lot versus the AI.

Q- How can I disable random turn order?
A- It is similar to setting the weapon set, but this time you should go to scheme mode. Go to Default Scheme. Make a copy. Rename it to "Default T.." Then do this: http://i.imgur.com/nfDtF.png
So now, the first name on the Team list will be first to play. Similarly, in the second game, you should remove and readd your team if you went first in the first game..

We will update this forum each week, with the pair-up for each round. And some news will be add with the time...

Good luck to all of you and...


Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

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Randy's picture
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Round 1:

Randy v Vergil / 2-1

http://hedgewars.org/node/6067 (1st game) 0-1
http://hedgewars.org/node/6066 (3rd game) 2-1

Second demo is missing

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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seek and destroy
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Round 1:

seek and destroy vs El diablo (2-1)

---------------------------------- (1st game) 1-0
http://www.hedgewars.org/node/6069 (3rd game) 2-1

first and second demo is missing (the first demo I'll upload later)

it's okay?

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Round 1:

Hun73R vs Rom1 : 2 - 0

http://www.hedgewars.org/node/6070 (1st game) 1 - 0
http://www.hedgewars.org/node/6071 (2nd game) 2 - 0

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Randy allegedly wrote:

Second demo is missing

Perfect, 10/10 example for other players señor Randie~
as if this feature doesn't exist http://imgur.com/a/VxdDb Big Grin

Round 1
default tournament match
Nexia vs Wohlstand
Match 1: http://hedgewars.org/node/6076 - Nexia wins
Match 2: http://hedgewars.org/node/6077 - Nexia wins

Result: Nexia wins 2-0

Wuzzy's picture
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Randy, you probably should replay the second game, because without it, it is 1-1 now, because only games 1 and 3 have proof, but 2 has not.
Unless somebody suddenly finds the demo again.
Or maybe if your opponent publicly declares defeat.

Just sayin'.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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^ This.

Just don't want to be unnecessarily unprofessional as a tournament organizer and leave others with a tiny (if not small) room for doubt when it comes to submitting actual proof that you've won IMO.

Randy's picture
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I'm sorry about this, but I thought that I had set the "automatic" record thing, but it wasn't. Now I have to find Vergil, I hope he has the second demo, or maybe he can tell that it was a fair win.

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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I confirm that Randy win match agaist me with score 2- 1. I win first round, Randy win second and third.

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Round 1:

bananajones vs S.D.:

http://hedgewars.org/node/6081 (2nd game) 1 - 1
http://hedgewars.org/node/6082 (3rd game) 1 - 2

S.D. wins.

Wuzzy's picture
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I am still waiting for eugeno to show up.

PM has been sent, no reaction so far.

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Nishi's picture
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First Round: Nishi(2) Vs Phatkev-Amsterdam(1)

http://hedgewars.org/node/6083 (1-0)
http://hedgewars.org/node/6084 (1-1)
http://hedgewars.org/node/6085 (2-1)

mikade's picture
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Good luck everyone.

Hedgewars Developer

KompleX's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

I am still waiting for eugeno to show up.

PM has been sent, no reaction so far.

I am in the same situation when it comes to cri.thegrinch :/

Wuzzy's picture
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Round 1 game

Wuzzy vs eugeno


Wuzzy: 2 wins
eugeno: 0 wins

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Randy's picture
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mikade allegedly wrote:

Good luck everyone.

Thanks Smile

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

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Wuzzy's picture
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OMG the deadline is just hours away and only 7/12 round 1 games played.
Sad Smiley

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Randy's picture
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I'll have to extend the deadline for those 4 games. I'll update the thread soon.

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Randy's picture
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New deadline is Thursday 26th of February at 23:59 UTC!

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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seek and destroy allegedly wrote:

Round 1:

seek and destroy vs El diablo (2-1)

---------------------------------- (1st game) 1-0
http://www.hedgewars.org/node/6069 (3rd game) 2-1

first and second demo is missing (the first demo I'll upload later)

it's okay?

Don't forget to upload your first demo.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KompleX's picture
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KompleX vs cri.thegrinch

Round 1 :

Match 1 1:0 : http://hedgewars.org/node/6094
Match 2 2:0 : http://hedgewars.org/node/6095

Winner: KompleX


Thank you for the match cri.thegrinch, I hope you are motivated to train Default more, but you are still better at shoppa Ammo Case Wink Smiley

Randy's picture
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Due to the fact that it continues without getting any response of certain players (poszy, COLOLO & Mercuricalis). I have decided to re-group those players who have been active. Here is the result:

Romanus Furens v. Fanat

barcelona1937 v. (new player)

I want to mention that there is a new spot for a new player. The new participant must make a comment here with his nick, his team name and his time zone.

You have time to play until Thursday 26th of February at 23:59 UTC

I hope you are agree with the taken decision.

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

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Hi Big Grin

seek and destroy
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sorry but I forgot to save the first game
but my opponent will try to confirm the game
if posible...

eldiablo's picture
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seek and destroy allegedly wrote:

sorry but I forgot to save the first game
but my opponent will try to confirm the game
if posible...

i confirm

nema sreće ako se ne meće Hellish Hand Grenade

Wohlstand's picture
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Nexia allegedly wrote:

Randy allegedly wrote:

Second demo is missing

Perfect, 10/10 example for other players señor Randie~
as if this feature doesn't exist http://imgur.com/a/VxdDb Big Grin

Round 1
default tournament match
Nexia vs Wohlstand
Match 1: http://hedgewars.org/node/6076 - Nexia wins
Match 2: http://hedgewars.org/node/6077 - Nexia wins

Result: Nexia wins 2-0

I apologize for long absence, but I will answer:
It's my most huge fail :P
but by anyway, I congratulate you with victory and good luck! You have big chance to win tournament Wink Smiley

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Nick: Daniriver
Team Name:Aristoteles
Time Zone: UTC - 4

Randy's picture
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Well, barcelona and daniriver played their games in the last minute.

barcelona1937 v. daniriver 2:0

I don't have the first demo...

Demo 2: http://hedgewars.org/node/6098

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Randy's picture
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I finally can say:

Round 1 is over

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Wohlstand allegedly wrote:

but by anyway, I congratulate you with victory and good luck! You have big chance to win tournament Wink Smiley

Haha, I wouldn't be too sure of that myself :P
Thanks though! I still think I wouldn't be able to beat you again the next time we play Big Grin

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Good luck to you all in Round Two Smile

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Wuzzy's picture
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Randy, you really should activate the autosave feature. It seems you forget so save the demos frequently. Wink Smiley

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Randy allegedly wrote:

Well, barcelona and daniriver played their games in the last minute.

barcelona1937 v. daniriver 2:0

I don't have the first demo...

Demo 2: http://hedgewars.org/node/6098

I uploaded first demo

Randy's picture
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Round 2

Randy vs. Nishi 2:0


Game 1: http://hedgewars.org/node/6102

Game 2: http://hedgewars.org/node/6103

Very nice game the second one. Smile

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Wuzzy's picture
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Round 2:
Wuzzy vs Hun73R


Don't read below the horizontal line if you don't to get spoiled!

First match: Hun73R wins.
Second match: I win.
Third match: I win.

End result: 2:1 Wuzzy:Hun73R, I win.

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Round 2:
S.D. vs barcelona1937

1) http://hedgewars.org/node/6111 - 1-0
2) http://hedgewars.org/node/6112 - 1-1
3) http://hedgewars.org/node/6113 - 2-1

Result: S.D. wins.

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Waiting for KompleX v. Nexia // seek and destroy v. Romanus Furens. Hurry up guys! Smile

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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KompleX allegedly wrote:

Thank you for the match cri.thegrinch, I hope you are motivated to train Default more, but you are still better at shoppa Ammo Case Wink Smiley

well.. I was in a bad period, and played just cause i was "forced", but if u want I would try to beat u on default too.. :P maybe you'll win me the same.. but now i'm sure i'll play better... =)

I Hate Christmas timeeee.. Santa! is dead!

KompleX's picture
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Randy allegedly wrote:

You have time to play untill Friday 6th of March at 23:59 UTC

Good luck,
Have Fun!

Randi, me and Nexia are set up for our match on saturaday 11:00 UTC already Frozen hog! Please let us play this time because it is the only one opportunity for us (considering family duties and the distance between our time zones) when we can do our best to play it on a good level Punch!

seek and destroy
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Round 2:
Romanus Furens vs seek and destroy (0-2)
http://www.hedgewars.org/node/6115 first game 0-1
http://www.hedgewars.org/node/6116 second game 0-2

result: seek and destroy win

I was lucky in the first game..

Randy's picture
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KompleX allegedly wrote:

Randy allegedly wrote:

You have time to play untill Friday 6th of March at 23:59 UTC

Good luck,
Have Fun!

Randi, me and Nexia are set up for our match on saturaday 11:00 UTC already Frozen hog! Please let us play this time because it is the only one opportunity for us (considering family duties and the distance between our time zones) when we can do our best to play it on a good level Punch!

Okay, you have time to play until Saturday 7th of March at 14:00 UTC Time.

Semi-finals will start that day at 15:00 UTC Time.

Cheers Smile

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

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KompleX's picture
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KompleX vs Nexia

Round 1 :

Match 1 1:0 : http://hedgewars.org/node/6118
Match 2 2:0 : http://hedgewars.org/node/6119

Winner: KompleX


Thank you Nexia for games and breaks. It was really good fun to play with you Big Grin

Randy: Once more I apologize for our delay and thank you for your patience Sleepy Smiley

Randy's picture
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Sorry for the delay...

Round 2 is over

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

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Randy's picture
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The best part of the tournament is about to start...


Check out your opponent:

The deadline ends next Friday at 23:59 UTC Time. Six days are enough for 6 players Smile

Remember that in this round and in the Epic Final each match will be played to the best of 5 games.

I want to mention that in the middle of the week, I'll publish about some new prizes !

Good luck,
Have Fun!

Flying Flying

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Semi-finals game: Wuzzy vs seek and destroy

The results are below the horizontal line.


  • First match: Seek and destroy wins.
  • Second match: I win.
  • Third match: I win.
  • Fourth match: I win.

End result: I win!

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Randy's picture
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Fanat v. Randy 2:3

Demo 1: http://hedgewars.org/files/demos/Randy/Randy_v_Fanat_1-0.49.hwd

Demo 2: http://hedgewars.org/files/demos/Randy/Randy_v_Fanat_1-1.49.hwd

Demo 3: http://hedgewars.org/files/demos/Randy/Randy_v_Fanat_1-2.49.hwd

Demo 4: http://hedgewars.org/files/demos/Randy/Randy_v_Fanat_2-2.49.hwd

Demo 5: http://hedgewars.org/files/demos/Randy/Randy_v_Fanat_3-2.49.hwd


KompleX v. S.D 3:2

I'll upload demos very soon. The Epic Final will start tonight!

SemiFinals are over

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

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Since KompleX and S.D. did not upload their demos, I uploaded three of them, in no particular order, here:


These are not all demos they played, I simply have missed the other matches. I hope all the demos will get uploaded.

Disclaimer: Note that these demos are UNOFFICIAL and not approved by the actual players yet. Long story short: These demos may be wrong, so don't trust them 100% yet.

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Good luck to the 3 finalists!!!

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Joined: 2012-06-20
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Randy vs Fanat have played 6 matches, actually, but one of them ended in a draw, so it didn't add to the score. Randy did not upload it, so I upload it here:

The matches of Randy vs Fanat were very epic, indeed. Hedgewars fans really should watch them.

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