New design

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unC0Rr's picture
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I'm wondering why the site is so silent now. Any opinions on new design?

Uriah's picture
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Are we sure people have the ability to post?

unC0Rr's picture
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nope Big Grin

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Looks good!! Is this a phpbb theme you made?

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BTW: I am missing the profile settings.

unC0Rr's picture
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This is Drupal. We moved all our content to new CMS. Sorry, some profile details are lost during conversion.

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No Problem ,totally worth it.

daimadoshi85's picture
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It's great!But, is there a method to see unread posts?

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harmless911's picture
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at one point you had a good redesigned map uploader, where you could finally rate the maps... but only for about 30 minutes... where did it go?

unC0Rr's picture
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It's disabled for a while

DrDickens's picture
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I don't think open map uploading is needed. Peple'll just start sending trash like "Hey i've converted a wormux map for you! I think you should love this map and wormux, cause i'm loving it." Etcetera.

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:

I don't think open map uploading is needed. Peple'll just start sending trash like "Hey i've converted a wormux map for you! I think you should love this map and wormux, cause i'm loving it." Etcetera.

I second that, had that happen in another game I used to play, really starts getting crowded & trying to find the good stuff becomes a real chore.

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daimadoshi85's picture
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Sorry but with new design when I write a post there is automatic email submission to the post?If not, how's possible to submit a post?

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Josh's picture
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I miss the ability to view someone's profile from a thread, and when you click a name it automatically makes: #Name here# appear, and we're missing quote in quick post, too.

But it looks good.. lol Smile

Josh's picture
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harmless911 allegedly wrote:
at one point you had a good redesigned map uploader, where you could finally rate the maps... but only for about 30 minutes... where did it go?

Will this ever re-appear? It may motivate me to make more.. Smile

rbaleksandar's picture
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Yeh, it'll be good to make a section for maps, where members can rate them (no need of an option for adding comments, since all maps are discussed in the forum Smile).

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DrDickens's picture
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Yeah, yeah. And some morons will start posting MS penises in there, really smart.

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Josh's picture
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Fair enough
It'll just end up being like Doomworld's /idgames archive -- mostly full of shit.

DrDickens's picture
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You don't have to go that far. Check out wormux. Looks like they were accepting any crap people sent them.

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Okay, a little modification - post only preview image. If after e.g. 2-3 weeks period rating's cool (and of course not only one vote Wink Smiley), the author will be given the permission to upload the map on the server or a member of the HW-team will ask for the file and upload it himself. So no one will be able to post crap. Only images, that could be automatically deleted, if rating's too low e.g. a 5-stars rating system and the map get 1-2 stars.

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DrDickens's picture
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If after e.g. 2-3 weeks period rating's cool (and of course not only one vote ), the author will be given the permission

You shoulda give up smoking that shit, pal. Nothing is going to be included without **someone's** aproval.

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Next time you quote someone, try reading the comment AND thinking at the same time. Geek

1.It's just a suggestion.
2.If there are 1000 people who voted for a map with 5 from 5 stars, it's obvious that they want this map. And after all HW-team would like to please the gamers or not?
3.The whole comment is:

the author will be given the permission to upload the map on the server or a member of the HW-team will ask for the file and upload it himself

So it all depends from the HW-team.

PS: Don't smoke, don't drink - sorry to disappoint you Wink Smiley

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The map functionality is still there, but it's hidden at present because there's just no need for it. At the moment when a good map is made, we include it officially into the game, so everyone can play it and there are no compatability issues.

For map functionality to come back to the website, 2 things will have to happen.

First the game will have to become popular enough that enough maps are submitted to make a library worth while, or so many good maps have to be produced that including them in the game package will be too much of a filesize increase.

Secondly, the game will require some resolution of the issues that arise if one person has a map and the other doesn't. This could come in the form of sending the map + selecting a random theme to play it on (sending the whole theme would be too much). Or something similar.

If both of these criteria are fufilled I will bring the map archive back to the site.

On a foot note, DrDickens you need to tone down your attitude and quit being needlessly rude to everyone. I don't ban people, that's not my style, but I will start making a complete mockery of everything you post. So tone it down.


DrDickens's picture
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I have a hard time, so forgive me everyone, hurt by my bullshit.

Secondly, the game will require some resolution of the issues that arise if one person has a map and the other doesn't. This could come in the form of sending the map...
It reminds me simillar discussion on hats. But here, you can make a preview, so it would look like this:

Still don't know whut to do while one's downloading a map. Should they wait, or should the dowloader join them next time.

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rbaleksandar's picture
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DrDickens, great suggestion Smile

btw Also a good thing to resolve this small problem Wink Smiley is to add a new column in the list of the games currently running. It already displays how many players are playing a curtain game and if it's running at all (True/False), why not add even two more columns:
1)Displaying which map is used in the game
2)Displaying if you have it (the game will automatically check the list of maps in the HW-directory and show True/False if you have/don't have this map).

And then after entering the lobby of a game, if you don't have this map, the message of DrDickens will appear. Smile

Tiyuri, you're right that at this point there's no reason to make that, but I'm sure it'll be great to make it, when more people begin to play Smile

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