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harmless911's picture
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I'm hoping that in future versions of hedgewars there will be a color editor. By that, I mean sliders that change a hedgeteam's color. One for main color, another for spike color, and yet another for the tracing color. Please tell me what you think!

DrDickens's picture
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He-he-he. I think this is useless. Why you hate original colours so much? You won't find peace right?

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:

He-he-he. I think this is useless. Why you hate original colours so much? You won't find peace right?

not useless, it is a good idea.

harmless911's picture
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It's useless in the same ways hats are.

Josh's picture
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Hmm, I'd hate to see yellow or blue hog's though, and if poison will be added to the game (as the same with any other status ailments) then colour will be needed. :P

DrDickens's picture
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One for main color, another for spike color, and yet another for the tracing color.

Let me explain the easiest way: In this case T has to redraw ALL the graphics. He has to split every hedgeframe into 3 slices (Yep. main color, spike color, the tracing color.) It will increase the hedgehog graphics 3 times. That was the easiest way. Another one is about programming, but i pray my gods U doesn't read this topic. It's quite easy to alter the hedges colour with the engine, but 1.) I think that ruins the atmosphere; 2.) Conflicts with the hats.
P.S. Don't you ever compare Hueing and Hats so you won't look that err... *Different minded*

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Uriah's picture
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You have to be careful how much user customization you give the players.
Lets say we implement this feature.. sure some of you might have nicely coloured hogs, other people will set their hogs completely black, or completely white, or choose colours that clash horribly. And when they do that, it doesn't only ruin the look of their game, but all the players they play against too.

The same is true of hats, I've been asked to allow users to make their own hats and have them sent to other players on the server, so they are truely customizable. However, just like colours, whilst some users will make nice unique and pretty hats. Others will be drawing penises in MS paint, and it's not just those players that will have to put up with the MS penis invasion.

I think for a game like this there is already a large deal of customization.

You've got team creation
Hedgehog creation + hats
Fort selection
team colour selection
soon voice pack selection
Maybe flag selection in the future

I also expect the number of hats to grow in later releases.
I don't personally think we need to be able to recolour our hedgehogs.

DrDickens's picture
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MS penis


T, you can always find better words. That's exactly what i intended to say. I was also thinking about poisoning. If there will be any poisonous weapon the only way to point the poisoning is to draw some crap over hedges head, cause coloring fails due to helmets.

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fluffybot's picture
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Tiyuri: What's wrong with picking a base color that has to have RGB values within certain ranges and add up to another number to prevent really bright or dark colors, then have the engine derive the second color (the "fill" color) by simply lightening the base color 2 steps and then blending the two? So basically, you pick a color for the hedge itself and the spikes, the outline is set from the base color and then the engine automatically calculates the rest? It'd keep the hedges looking sharp and allow some contrast between the hedge and its spikes, but still keep the overall color scheme of the game intact and prevent eyesores. Hell, if you really wanted you could make the spike color tied to the base color too, fixing the R value and only allowing players to adjust the BG values within a narrow range.

Not saying I don't agree that customization is plentiful enough, but using that method you could probably give players the ability to customize the hog colors without breaking the look of the game.

DrDickens's picture
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Will u code this? The idea with hedge multi-zone-colouring is the most moronic shit i've ever seen. Yes the engine can colour a sprite (it does colour the crosshair), but wat an asshole would suggest coding multizones, hem? In fact it means coding sectors coord by coord for each sprite frame (about 200 of them). This means Uncorr should put a funkymonkey mask on and code this rectal routine. I'm not even sure this is possible. But anyway this idea sux.
And close this freaking topic already.

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Josh's picture
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The only way I see 'custom colours' being available is in the team name/crosshair colour. That's it.

Oh, an DrDickens, chill out man!

DrDickens's picture
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I'm cool as a Shaolin Monk.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

Josh's picture
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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
I'm cool as a Shaolin Monk.

Lol, Didn't seem that way earlier. Wink Smiley
Oh, and get yourself an avatar! Big Grin
But yeah, close this thread, it receives my seal of uselessness.

harmless911's picture
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I feel honored to have my thread closed...

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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:

You have to be careful how much user customization you give the players.
Lets say we implement this feature.. sure some of you might have nicely coloured hogs, other people will set their hogs completely black, or completely white, or choose colours that clash horribly. And when they do that, it doesn't only ruin the look of their game, but all the players they play against too.

There are numerous ways to prevent players from choosing wrong colors for their HH. There could be a palette of predefined colors and we will make sure that the hats do work on these colors.

Tiyuri allegedly wrote:

I think for a game like this there is already a large deal of customization.

I also expect the number of hats to grow in later releases.
I don't personally think we need to be able to recolour our hedgehogs.

I agree with you on this. More HH colors would mean more testing if everything works well with different hat color/ map background color. But I definitely would like to see this feature later on.

Uriah's picture
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There's no need to be rude to people who suggest ideas,
I try not to close threads, it's really not my job to chaperone people over the internet, just learn to get along instead. I'm not going to turn this into one of those forums where 90% of the threads on the front pages are locked.

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