A new map disscusion

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DrDickens's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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So i'm working on a reinforcements map. But i'm a lazy arse, so i post a piece of it, in case i won't finish it.

Comment, criticize.

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wow Big Grin

Josh's picture
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Thumbs up for his one!

Josh's picture
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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
But i'm a lazy arse, so i post a piece of it, in case i won't finish it.

Can I predict what's happened..?

DrDickens's picture
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Yes you can. In fact i'm just outta time.

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Josh's picture
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Fair enough.

harmless911's picture
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perhaps use it as a fort?

DrDickens's picture
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Looks unplayaple being a fort to me.

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Josh's picture
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Alot better than the earth/moon one. I say use it!

rbaleksandar's picture
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Josh allegedly wrote:
A lot better than the earth/moon one. I say use it!
Same opinion. Has lots of edges, goes up and down. Earth fort is so...Round Big Grin If you hit the right hedgehog, 3-4 can fall at the same time rolling of this planets. Not fair. Not a fort at all. This looks like fort and protects your hedgehogs.

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That was the conception

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Josh's picture
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Finish it.. Now.
That'd be a great map! (Fun one too.)

rbaleksandar's picture
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Shocking Wow, that's so awesome. If you have time, finish it...Pretty please with cherry on the top Big Grin

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Uriah's picture
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The smoke looks like one of those snakes that jumps out of a can.
That weird Hedgewars logo you magicked up from somewhere is terrible, lose it.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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Wow, that's awesome! I like your conception!!
EDIT: and add a cable with a hook to the crane and hang up a small box,

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