Suggestion: More extensive statistics screen

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User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 17

I'd really like to see a more extensive statistics screen at the end of the game.

- statistics for each team
- most brutal hog for each
- best killer for each
- etc.

Terrain transformation illustration in the background of the statistics screen

- take screenshot of the terrain before first turn
- take screenshot of the terrain after last turn
- crossfade the two back and forth (maybe fade to white in between) in the background of the statistics screen

This way you could clearly see what devastation you did to the field.

What do you think?

Is this even my idea or did I see it in some original Worms title?

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- statistics for each team
- most brutal hog for each
- best killer for each
- etc.

On its way of devment.
- take screenshot of the terrain before first turn
- take screenshot of the terrain after last turn
- crossfade the two back and forth (maybe fade to white in between) in the background of the statistics screen

Man this is weird. Do you really want this?

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User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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- take screenshot of the terrain before first turn
- take screenshot of the terrain after last turn
- crossfade the two back and forth (maybe fade to white in between) in the background of the statistics screen

Man this is weird. Do you really want this?

Of course I want this!
Why do you think it is weird?

I'd think of it just as a funny gimmick.
Should be fun to see the destruction you caused.
I think Hedgewars is very much about destruction, isnt it?

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Maybe if it were in a small window the same size as the maps icon before you start a match... I too would like to see the destruction caused to the field. Big Grin

Uriah's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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Nice idea, will definitely be considered

I wonder from a coding standpoint how plausible it would be to capture the state of the terrain every 2 or 4 turns, and then show them all one after the other at the end

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