Little guide
Sun, 2009-01-04 09:07
I know that hedgepedia was a project never finished, but I think that a little guide is anyway something useful, where you can see what is every different weapon and how does it work, a list of all chat commands and in-game commands, and so on. I would like to try but I'm not very good at writing in English...I'll try to write a draft soon, so you can tell me if you like it, ok?
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I'll help correct anything that's wrong if you want.
Yes, I do
Do you have suggestions of what should I add in the guide?
I thought about a little presentation (I think I'll copy it from the about tab :p) , maybe the description of every screen in frontend, the description of each weapon (I don't know yet how, but I think I'll classify them in 'need to hold fire button to increase power' and not ), the description of chat taunt system and chat commands. For this one I need unCORr to tell me all the chat commands, and maybe Tiyuri to create some images animated to show them (only for taunt system).
It's a hard work..
If anyone can help me also writing we can make the guide faster. Maybe we can divide the work to do.
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Hmm, I think iot could be done mostly with screenshots, to be honest ^^
Well, I'm too busy with school to make a full time project out of this, so I'm only able to help in small quantities
Well, so do I!I proposed it, but for now I'm a little busy too, I can work on it only sometimes!Anyway I want to do it, don't worry
Maybe when it's finished we can add it also in frontend (maybe in game also?) , so every translator can tranlate it in his own language. I hope unCORr is reading this
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This is the first draft of the guide, there is only the first description of the game (copied from the about tab) and the table with all the different weapons. Please download it here , unpack the zip file, open the file guide.html and correct and modify everything you think is wrong. Every suggestion is appreciated! I really thank you for your help.
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Other than that, great, keep it up!
Yes for the colour I'll think later, perhaps it's not necessary if it will be added in frontend IMHO.
I thought that it would be better be friendly and warm but I can modify it and write serious and cold :D
I ordered them as they are in game, they're not so caotic if you think!In this way a newbie can find easy what is that weapon!
Anyway I wrote everything without errors?Unbelievable
I'll modify it later!I would like also some suggestion from Tiyuri and UncOrr if possible!
EDIT: Is there a particular weapon you think I should modify or I have to modify them all?
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Well, maybe section them then, F1 weaps, F2, F3 etc..
Oh!Ok, I didn't remember sections!
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I do think it'll be easier if you take a look at the Wormopedia. Just as a pattern.
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Well, I don't know if this is the wormopedia, but yesterday I looked at this. Obviously I didn't want to copy from that.
Anyway if you think something is wrong, you can modify it and tell me what you have modified.Feel free to do this.
Edit: Corrected weapons (Added sections, corrected some errors for now)
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What about optimizing it so it could fit well our site width
Ok, I'll try to do it. But I need some tests, can you give me the privilege to modify the page of the guide?
EDIT: Don't worry, it's not necessary, I found the width of the contents by myself.
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No, no. This article looks bad. And is a wiki-article. What I meant was the in-game Wormopedia. If you have Worms Armageddon or World party, when you start your game, in the menu there is a section with it. It looks great (warm and friendly ). Here comes a suggestion but I am not sure if it will work at all, since I don't know if you guys are able to integrate videos (demos) in the menu: when you look at Wormopedia, you see not only description but images showing you examples. It would be cool to have images in the wormopedia and even cooler - small demos that show the action so to speak.
But for starters it's nice to have a web page. Later - Hedgepedia in the game
PS: unC0Rr suggestion about the Hedgepedia integrated in this site is great.
PPS: You have already added it here.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. -- The bullet point with no text next to the Whip weapon's annoying. Whip it off of the screen, k? :P
Oh yes, I already corrected it. I was thinking to cut off the columns of "Affected by wind" and "Hold fire button to increase power", in this way we can save some space. (Only in the guide here in the site)
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but they are slightly important IMO.
Maybe set it out like this (excuse my rough example):
It's easily doable with HTML (and CSS).
I can even make the code for you, supplying we're allowed CSS, of course.
What about how much damage each weapon does?
Could add to top right
In this site maybe we can use css, but I don't know if it's possible in game. If we can do it your solution it's better than my table ('s fantastic, not rough!), saving a lot of space ...and maybe we can add animation of how the weapons work
Please show me the code of that example!
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Qt4 supports CSS in their html widget, but it doesn't support full html standart, so we just need some testing
Fantastic!UnCORr, What do you think about this way? We can show weapons like Josh's description and a little animation that shows how the weapon works.
Anyway now I'm working also on describing all the screens. I will show you when it's finished. Remember that it's a draft, my images are awful, so then I will need someone who can adjust them.
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I've taken the liberty of making a more organised menu for the weapon guide,
it's still under construction but you can see it here:
You can only click on the bazooka at the moment
Obviously each icon is a seperate image, which means it can link to a seperate page about the weapon. I think it would be nice if we had youtube videos showing the usage of the weapon in embedded in each sub page, and along side that a description and technical info.
Also youtube videos can obviously be annotated, which is nice.
Fantastic!I can write it with frames so we can use the same page, if it's possible. Do you think we can add frames in page?
So we can choose how to show weapons between Tiyuri's idea (if it's possible use frames it can be much better also) or Josh's idea.
I have a question for you. It's possible to give me the rights to modify pages? In this way I can work on it better, and try different solutions. I know you have to trust me to do this, think about it and then give me an answer.
PS. Well, thinking about it, and knowing the width is only 550 px, we can use both the solutions together.
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I can give you that priv, but come and talk to me on irc first, there are certain things that i dont want to be modified and such.
I wont be online until later tonight (gotta go to work )
Also try clicking on the bazooka, I made a weapon page for it.
Ok, I'll try to be online later!Well, sincerely, that page is amazing!But I'm not so sure that I'm able to write like that, I lack the ability to write so detailed, also because I'm not very good in writing in english.
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I've setup a wiki drupal module... it's not very like usual wiki, it uses Drupal's facilities to create page contents, but it has wiki style urls handling (url to nonexisting page leads to a page for creating it), and it provides write access to special wiki editors group... it's here
Okay, this is perfect! Merge Tiy's Bazooka example with the wiki and we have a win, and it also means that we can all work on it collectively, not just one person. I think we should assign people positions: "Josh - F9 Waepons" for example, so the weapons section of the wiki could be written up and finished by tomorrow!
If you write crap articles, I'm going to edit them
Be warned
fine by me!
Ok, if you write weapons , I'll work on the other things like each screen, keybindings and so on!Now I have to study, but anyway I'll work on it!
Tiyuri can you write a table about the max damage of each weapon?
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Grenade - 50
ClusterBomb - 20 + 5*25, but it's unreal well, on undestructable maps probably can get more than 100
Bazooka - 50
UFO - 50
Shotgun - 2*25
PickHammer - ?
Mine - 50
Desert Eagle - 4 * 7
Dynamite - 75
FirePunch - 30
Whip - 30
BaseballBat - 30
AirAttack - 6 bombs, each does max 30 damage
MineStrike - 6 mines
BlowTorch - ?
Mortar - 20 + 5*25, same comment as for cluster bomb
Kamikaze - 30
Cake - 75
Watermelon - 75 + 6*75
HellishBomb - 90 + 128*? (128 fire particles)
Napalm - ~200 fire particles
Drill - 50
Ballgun - 50 dmg * 50 balls (purely theoretical )
each fire particle does at most 20 dmg, but in real 100 particles may do 10 dmg
Thank you unCORr
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Created now a ToDo list, if anyone wants to help us please read it!
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I've added to the Todo list, and commented aside it too.
I'm a little busy for my exam for now (It's the last one!), so I can't work on the guide for a while. Anyway feel free to work on the wiki following the ToDo list.
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Good luck man! I'm doing mock exams myself.. ^^
Update on the list for max.dmg is needed here.
And daimadoshi85, could you add it somewhere in the ToDo-section in the Wiki? So that I don't have to scroll like mad lookin' for that sh*t. Thank you in advance.
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Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
unC0Rr, can you please update the list with all weapons in release 0.9.11 (including torch ). I need them for the manual. btw I don't seem to be able to find the Drill Rocket. But I see there is the drill.
PS: Would be nice to make this topic sticky.
EDIT: Thanks to whoever made this topic sticky.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.