Promoting Hedgewars.

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szczur's picture
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I hope you managed that Wormux is our "rival". How we can fight with them without advertising??
I've recently browsing web and I found page called "Google Trends".
I compared Hedgewars & Wormux and that is [bad] result

Maybe we can do something to improve our chances to fight them??
Let's think about it and write own questions & ideas.

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unC0Rr's picture
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Bad? This result isn't bad. We just started to promote our game. IMHO, we need wikipedia articles.

Josh's picture
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Good idea!

szczur's picture
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I'll create one on Polish Wikipedia when I have some spare time.

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unC0Rr allegedly wrote:
Bad? This result isn't bad. We just started to promote our game. IMHO, we need wikipedia articles.

Magik_18l allegedly wrote:
I'll create one on Polish Wikipedia when I have some spare time.

It would be better to create a ***really good*** article, in english if possible. Then translators could use that as a template, thus spreading to every language faster and more homogeneously.

Edit: Of course, i'm not suggesting Magik's article isn't going to be ***very good*** too Wink Smiley

szczur's picture
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We need "professional" wikipedian. Big Grin

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Wiki as the others suggested would be great. Although I really prefer Hegdewars before Wormux. Gameplay, graphics and sound are much better then by Wormux. Time will pass and hopefully people will start to realize what they miss by playing the other stuff Smile

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Palewolf's picture
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I've created an article on the english Wikipedia. It's not very good nor complete, so please feel free to help enhanced it Smile

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Hmm, it's good! But seems like it could do with a few images Wink Smiley

Palewolf's picture
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My account is not old enough to upload images Annoyed

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That Fails Sad Smiley

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[23:30:25] lol?
[23:30:31] what bastard uploaded wormux screen
[01:00:16] guess where does the Languages Español link lead
[some lines censored]
[01:01:15] even tho theres a spanish wiki page for hedgewars
[01:01:19] the link leads to wormux
[01:02:22] and the link to en wikipedia on spanish wiki hedgewars page links to english wormux page

So, somebody had posted Wormux stuff on Hedgewars wikipedia pages. I've fixed the screenshot and the link to spanish page, now I need someone to fix the Spanish page link and to add the screen too. Go on cuz idk spanish. And yeah, go on and translate it too other languages Big Grin

P.S. We spoke to some guy from Wormux devs, he said he doesnt know anything about it. That could be an accident so we leave it for now unless it repeats again

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Palewolf's picture
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Wooooooops, my fault, sorry. I used spanish Wormux article as a template when translating because it seems every tag changes from language to language... and it seems that tiny little tag leading to english Wormux got to be published because it's only visible when editing.

Anyway, is not that hard to spot the article is about Hedgewars and not Wormux before uploading a screenshot, isn't it? Sleepy Smiley

Aaah, well... i fixed it and included your screenshot Smile

Palewolf's picture
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Mmmm... somebody has tagged english wikipedia article as "considered for deletion" because Hedgewars is a "Non-notable video game".

More info:

DrDickens's picture
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The other point is that wormux has guesswhataword in it's title. Also i pesonally don't think wiki is a helpful method. We need a real campagain (or however you spell it). Some interviews on news sites, articles on it-portals. And of course keywords. Teh Internet Search Machine is our ultimate weapon to conquer the world. So when peole google smthng they find us instead of whatever they were googling for.

Edit: wormux sux. Really. It's just a matter of time for others to see.

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affect's picture
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I offer to tag Wikipedia for deletion

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Hold on, hold on.
Why delete the wiki article? Clean it up then let it rot there on the interwebs, as least it has some potential to give us new players, right?

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The Wikipedia article is pointed out for deletion right. I don't know how to comment this discussion on Wikipedia. I tried it but i failed.

it's notable!

1) - software portal


6934 downloads of 0.9.8 since 09.01.2009 at a BIG German software portal called "chip"

the end of the description mentions:

Conclusion/result: Hedgewars is a amusing Game which lost nothing of the original Worms-flair/atmosphere

original in german:
Fazit: Hedgewars ist ein unterhaltsames Spiel, das nichts vom Original-Flair von Worms verloren hat.

2) - website of a high-quality newspaper in Germany


only 255 downloads but is has a wonderful description


Although the freeware Hedgewars comes up with a simple concept, it is one of those pc-games which have a great/big danger of addiction. The graphics and landscapes are designed in a lovely and diversified/varied way.

original in german:
Das kostenlose Hedgewars ist eines jener Computerspiele, das trotz eines an sich simplen Konzepts eine große Suchtgefahr mitbringt. Die Grafiken und Landschaften sind liebevoll und abwechslungsreich gestaltet.

rbaleksandar's picture
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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
Edit: wormux sux. Really. It's just a matter of time for others to see.

Totally agree. Imbecile graphic (it was offending for me to disgrace my beautiful machine with this cr*ppy chaos of ribbed and twisted backgrounds and most important - characters), total copy of Worms, somehow unexplainable stupid control of the Wormux-dudes on the screen (dunno, may be it was me, but I didn't have any problems starting killing hedgehogs (before that - worms) when I first started the game.

To use Wikipedia for popularity is good, but as we see there's a risk of sabotage. Sad Smiley Obviously fair play isn't a word know to the guys from Wormux.

PS: Ye, Marvin's right. I personally find out about Hedgewars from CHIP Smile Glad I visit the site every day :P

When I have time (don't know when), I can do a translation in Bulgarian if you want (for both wikis).I also told a couple of my guys about this game. They were as excited as I was when I found it Smile

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Ye, it wasn't Josh. It was me xD

rbaleksandar's picture
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Marvin allegedly wrote:

Ye, it wasn't Josh. It was me xD

Sorry Big Grin Will edit my comment Wink Smiley

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i see the comparisons to wormux because both of these games are like another very popular game with a similar name. i guess i have always liked turn based shooters though so i see this like any other game i like to play: scorched earth 3d, atanks, pocket tanks, tank wars, etc. this is definately one of the better games of the bunch, though, and i have been promoting it like crazy to all my friends since .9.4

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Haha. I've gotten many friends into this and I play it all the time during school lunch breaks and stuff. Smile

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posted 0.9.9 release on

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so to bring you the sad message, the wikipedia article has been deleted.

affect's picture
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well now im boycotting wikipedia

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Josh's picture
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Lol. Shit happens.. Sad Smiley

szczur's picture
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Fuck!!! And what is the reason?

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affect's picture
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that the game isnt notable enough for wikipedia

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unC0Rr's picture
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Hiding Censored!

szczur's picture
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Pee? on wikipedia

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Josh's picture
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I like wikipedia still... Sad Smiley

szczur's picture
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So Wormux is well known and kickass game which is better not only from hedgewars but even from original Worms? I'm pissed off. I'm mad. I'm pissed off & mad :/

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I added a see also section to the wormux article linking to hedgewars. Maybe if its not deleted it will help.

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I don't really know how exactly works, but what about xfire?

Hedgewars is multiplayer so... I really think xfire support for this game could be great. And also some kind of promotion.

Other ways to promote *free* games could be some kind of open contest like map creating, or stuff like that.

Also happypenguin is great for promoting games. Maybe other *free* gaming/downloading sites (that ones where you can download the game from they own servers), like filefront, cnet, yahoo! games...

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Street promoting. We are organizing lanparty with 400+ people. Theres going to be hedgewars tournament from bigscreen. Hopefully it spreads the word!

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majesteetti allegedly wrote:

Street promoting. We are organizing lanparty with 400+ people. Theres going to be hedgewars tournament from bigscreen. Hopefully it spreads the word!

That would be cool.

Edit: At least the wikipedia article is still there.

szczur's picture
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YAYZ!!! We made it (at least in August Big Grin ).
Just look at the statistics at

WE ARE AT FIRST PLACE!!! Overtaking such projects like Warzone and of course Wormux (even when we add all versions)

Even hamster from my avatar is happy Big Grin

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Big Grin Yessssssssss....

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♫ DJ. LisT ♫
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hmmm... we can make articles, post's, and.. more articles abaut hedgewars. It takes time but i think is efficient.

sheepluva's picture
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Magik_18l allegedly wrote:

I hope you managed that Wormux is our "rival".

I strongly disagree with that quote (even although it's old and probably obsolete).

Not only that Wormux delivers quite a different game experience than Hedgewars, also there is no competition because the users can get and play BOTH games without any need to decide, as they are both available for free.

(I agree with you that the word about Hedgewars should be spread so more people get a chance to try it, of course.)

I want Hedgewars to be as popular as Wormux so more people can enjoy it, but I don't wish Wormux anything bad. Their developers are nice and they are putting much effort into their game. Also and of course they share our passion for the common game genre, so they are more fellows than rivals.

Magik_18l allegedly wrote:

How we can fight with them without advertising??

We need to fight the fact that many people aren't aware of Hedgewars, but that has nothing to do with Wormux IMO.

just my 2 cents

PS: Magik_18l - up for a Wormux game tonight? XD

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Hmm, I don't know if it'll help, but I made a post about Hedgewars on my twitter page, and also on digg.
Maybe it'd be a good idea for those who are on twitter with many followers to twit about it ?

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If they'd like to ... why not ... but please don't spam. Smile

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I agree with sheepluva. I don't see why they both can't just be good games.
I think one way to get it recognized would for it to end up in one of those Linux game articles always see.

I think it would be great if we could petition some Linux distributions to include it as a default game. Although it might only have a chance in smaller less know distributions as of now. It seems only tiny games make it into big distros as default.

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Just created a more or less official steam group:

So, just in case you're one of those Windows gamers playing games delivered through steam, hop in and spread the word. Smile

You might as well add Hedgewars to Steam's game browser as a non-steam game. This will allow you to browse the web while playing (using Steam's community overlay) and will show others that you're playing HW.

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Screenshots on this page: should be updated.

Upd: licence information should be also changed

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I published article about Hedgewars on my Polish blog. I am playing Hedgewars from one year and it seemed to good topic for blog post. It's here:

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Thanks for spreading the word!
I think it certainly helps that Hedgewars has been translated into the Polish language. Smile

Niestety w interfejsie graficznym często zdarzają się nieprzetłumaczone frazy.

My translator program told me that this text means that there are many untranslated messages in the frontend.

Wait, what? I thought we have a 100% complete Polish translation. Are you sure you're using the latest version?

Bardzo dokuczliwym problemem jest fakt, że aby grać w trybie sieciowym, wszyscy członkowie rozgrywki muszą mieć zainstalowaną grę w dokładnie tej samej wersji. W innym wypadku wspólna gra jest niemożliwa. Sprawia to, że po wydaniu nowej wersji przez pewien czas gracze online dzielą się na dwa obozy: ze starą wersją i z nową wersją. O ile na Windows aktualizacja jest standardowa, na Linuksach często w repozytoriach jeszcze długo po aktualizacji znajduje się starsza wersja gry — zwłaszcza w dystrybucjach takich jak Ubuntu.

Basically this text sais that you complain about players needing to play on the same version, and that it's especially a problem on GNU/Linux systems, who get split in separate versions.

Well, it's not our fault that some distros are so slow. Sad Smiley We we are aware it's a problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

But yes, as a Hedgewars player you should always grab the latest version.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Well, it's not our fault that some distros are so slow. Sad Smiley We we are aware it's a problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
Isn't it possible to distribute it as an installer or binary on Linux? Like Godot engine, which is a single executable on any system.

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1. My option about UI translation was based on experience from first HW versions which I played when I started to using this game. Yep, quoted sentence was incorrect. I updated the article. Basically I changed „often” („często”) to „sometimes” („czasami”).

2. Version incompatibility — it's problem for users (especially Linux users). When it's user problem, it should be problem of good developer. From the other side I completely understand that HW devs maybe have not resources to provide it's own prebuild packages for each distro. But this IS pain for Linux users and to fix it properly, Hedgewars community should provide official repo with fresh version, at least for Ubuntu (which is the most popular, including its forks like Mint) and with easy installation instructions on download page. Maybe AppImage/Flatpak/snap could be good solution — I know that some people here don't like Flatpak (it's too GNOME/"RedCancer"-related, I know…) but it's easy to install. HW devs and community should choose one option (proparly easier to maintain) and realize it.

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Yep, quoted sentence was incorrect. I updated the article. Basically I changed „often” („często”) to „sometimes” („czasami”).


Why you keep saying that there are untranslated portions in Polish? Polish is 100% complete, as far I know. Please show me evidenve of strings that have not been translated.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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