Wed, 2009-01-07 07:50
To please affect, here's yet another offtopic thread :P
So what games does everyone play other than hedgewars?
Here's mine:
Doom 1/2 (I'm a mapper for that, too.)
Quake 3 Arena (I also used to map for that.)
Xbox 360:
Rockband 1/2
The last Remnant
Fable II
Jade Cocoon 2
Dark Cloud
Guitar Hero 2/3
PSX: (Still seems amazing to me :P)
Jade Cocoon
Crash Bandicoot + Spyro Series (they got shit on PS2)
Yup. I like pointless th
reads. xD
pointless threads > all. i dont play much now since im lazy and i dont have much time. but my fav games are starcraft, q2, gta2, carmageddon2, sometimes warcraft2 and aoe1. and, yes, civilization 1, x-com 1,2,3 and stuff like that.
Now when we have drunk some beer let's go drive a car.
Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, lol.
i'm still playing battlefield 1942 mods -> desert combat (i also mapped for this)
battlefield 2 has to high requirements for my computer :-P
well, then i play hedgeswars (lo and behold)
and a self-programmed chess to play vs friends over the internet.. but unfortunately i don't know nothing about pascal or C++ . it was a basic
I love mapping for BF1942 and Vietnam... sort of my hobby.
wow, was still translating words with, now i found one!
@harmless: do you also play DesertCombat: DC Lost Village sometimes?
Unfortunately there aren't still many server with other maps with enough players on
Lawl, nope, not played battlefield myself. /me rejcted ^^
wesnoth, cs2d, crawl stone soup (rouge like), gta2 (wine), ageofEmpires (wine), glest and funny multiplayer local games like luola...