Translations & Trainings

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Hi Smile

Well, I hope I'm not repeating somebody's topic, but I have to questions:

Since I couldn't find a topic about how to make a translation, here is the question - How do you make it? File format, alignment, keywords etc. How do you edit a translation and where can it be found (think it is directly integrated into the game and not in a separate file but have to ask Smile )?

There is a folder ..\Hedgewars 0.9.8\share\hedgewars\Data\Trainings where the trainings' files are placed. So I assume that they are not integrated into the game. Wink Smiley So question number 1 - can we make our own trainings (and if their good enough - post them here Big Grin )? And question number 2 - I cannot understand some lines of the syntax.
Here is the source of the Shotgun-Training (each line gets a number so that it will be easier to follow my thoughts and the possible answers):

1] seed 0
2] $gmflags 268435458
3] $turntime 90000
4] $casefreq 0
5] $landadds 0
6] $delay 0
7] map mushrooms
8] theme nature
9] ammstore 000090000000000000000000000000
10]hhcoords 1310 230
11]addtrig s2147483649 1 1 31 1150 300 1
12]addtrig s1 1 1 31 1310 890 2
13]addtrig s2 1 1 31 1750 460 3
14]addtrig s3 1 1 31 635 0 4
15]addtrig s4 1 1 31 1450 245 5
16]addtrig s5 1 1 31 220 235 6
17]addtrig s6 1 1 31 1510 605 7
18]addtrig C7 1 1
19]addtrig F2147483649 2 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
###Here are the lines I think I understand (correct me if I'm not right, please):

2] - I assume that $gmflags stands for game flags, here the number of targets your hedge hits (not sure about this at all Smile )
3] - this is for sure the time limit for each turn. What I don't know is what the measure is. The training lasts 90sec as far as I remember. So 90 000 stands for 90sec. Am I right?
7] - assigns a map (here - mushrooms)
8] - what is a game without a little bit of cool music Smile
9] - ammo quantity (I think the number stands for the number of shots you have)
10] - hhcoords X Y shows where the hedgehog will be placed when the game starts (X and Y are the coordinates)
11]-17] - adds targets

addtrig NAME 1 1 31 X Y NUMBER
NAME - name of the target
1 1 31 - dunno what that is Smile
X Y - coordinates of the target
NUMBER - number assignment of the target

###Lines I don't understand:
4]$casefreq 0 - with value 0 this should be something that should happen Smile
5]$landadds 0 - something with ADD and LAND. What exactly I don't know Wink Smiley
6]$delay 0 - here is a suggestion about this line - delay between game start and the moment the player gains control over his hedge
18],19] - maybe adds a target but somehow different compared to the others...No coordinates, no number assigned to it...

Well, that's all. I would be very pleased if there's someone who can answer my questions Smile

Thanks in advance!

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daimadoshi85's picture
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You can find translations in Hedgewars 0.9.8\share\hedgewars\Data\Locale. You must copy en.txt, rename it with your localization (Example: it.txt contains the italian translation) and translate its contents; this is for the weapons translations. For the frontend you must install qt4 linguist and open file with extension .ts (you can copy one of them and then modify it)

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rbaleksandar's picture
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daimadoshi85 allegedly wrote:


Thanks Smile Now question 2 remains Wink Smiley

EDIT: Something went wrong. I retranslated some of the Bulgarian language package for the weapons and I got the following massage:

Haven't deleted anything just changed a couple of not translated weapons.

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unC0Rr's picture
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rbaleksandar allegedly wrote:

daimadoshi85 allegedly wrote:


Thanks Smile Now question 2 remains Wink Smiley

EDIT: Something went wrong. I retranslated some of the Bulgarian language package for the weapons and I got the following massage:

Haven't deleted anything just changed a couple of not translated weapons.

It's you text editor that does bad thing: it adds UTF-16 endianess character to UTF-8 file (most probably you use notepad Big Grin)

unC0Rr's picture
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1] seed 0 - random numbers generator seed
2] $gmflags 268435458 - game flags (here it is gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode)
3] $turntime 90000 - turn time in milliseconds
4] $casefreq 0 - probability of bonus box spawn per ten turns
5] $landadds 0 - turns off spawning mines
6] $delay 0 - delay between shots
7] map mushrooms - map name
8] theme nature - theme name
9] ammstore 000090000000000000000000000000 - ammo store (infinite shotgun)
10]hhcoords 1310 230 - where to place hedgehog
11]addtrig s2147483649 1 1 31 1150 300 1
12]addtrig s1 1 1 31 1310 890 2
13]addtrig s2 1 1 31 1750 460 3
14]addtrig s3 1 1 31 635 0 4
15]addtrig s4 1 1 31 1450 245 5
16]addtrig s5 1 1 31 220 235 6
17]addtrig s6 1 1 31 1510 605 7
18]addtrig C7 1 1
19]addtrig F2147483649 2 1
CID TICKS LIVES - success trigger
FID TICKS LIVES - fail trigger

ID 2147483649 means trigger will be triggered on turn change

it's still under development... current state is just proof-of-concept implementation. Probably I'll make visual trainings/missions editor.

rbaleksandar's picture
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unC0Rr allegedly wrote:

It's you text editor that does bad thing: it adds UTF-16 endianess character to UTF-8 file (most probably you use notepad Big Grin)

How did you guess? Big Grin
Well, I'll try with another editor and see what I can make of it Smile

btw Thanks a lot for the explanation about the training missions! Will definitely try that out.
PS: Mission/Map Editor would be nice Smile Worms has Smile

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You make a mission editor and I'll be glad to make some for you. Big Grin

rbaleksandar's picture
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Another question about translation - how many characters can a translated string consist of?
Because when I write

Допълнителни поражения //=Extra damage

the game overlaps the last three laters. Sad Smiley What am I supposed to do now? The other possible translation (which isn't that good) is

1.5 повече поражения //=1.5 more damage

that fits unless the player gets a number containing more then 2 figures (10,11,12...). Then it will either overlap the string (again) or look like this:

ENG: 1.5 more damage x10
BG: 1.5 повече поражения10х

(looks ugly...Like concatenation of the two strings representing the name and the number of shots left).

In the weapon set I made full ammo for the extra damage (but not unlimited). And it appeared to be 8. So when the game starts with this ammo scheme, the player gets 8 "shots" for extra damage. But since there are utilities drops(crates), he/she can obviously get more than 8.
What do we do?

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If one has 8 extra damages, and collect some from a bonus box, he will end up with infinite extra damages count.

rbaleksandar's picture
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Ah, didn't know that...Although it doesn't make sense, it's good that there is such thing Smile So I can leave it that way. Thanks!

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Sorry for double posting but this is something totally different Smile

What's that with the Singular, Dual and Plural Russian translation in the Game Stats (in the .ts-file)? Can't figure that out... Sad Smiley

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daimadoshi85's picture
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When I asked it to UnCORr, he said me :

Because it's dumb to write 1 kill(s), 7 hedgehog(s) Smile

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Big Grin Ok. But what's with the dual? Dual is plural, right? Smile Whatever Smile

So it'll look like this:
Source text:
The best killer is %1 with %2 kills in a turn.

Russian Translation:
The best killer is %1 with %2 kills in a turn.

Russian Translation (Dual)
The best two killers are %1 with %2 kills in a turn.

Russian Translation (Plural)
The best killers are %1 with %2 kills in a turn.

Of course this is all in English, but I hope you get my idea. Is it a correct one?

Thanks in advance Wink Smiley

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Thanks, unC0Rr. Smile

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nemo's picture
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n % 10 == 1
&& n % 100 != 11

n % 10 >= 2
&& n % 10 <= 4
&& (n % 100 < 10
|| n % 100 > 20)

crazy Smile

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

rbaleksandar's picture
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Big Grin Polish too Wink Smiley I'm definetly going to use Qt...Looks cool.Better than VS and Eclipse.

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