chat commands

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daimadoshi85's picture
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Hello guys!Anyone can tell me all the chat commands in game?

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unC0Rr's picture
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what do you mean? taunts?

daimadoshi85's picture
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Yes, but not only them!I knew that there are other chat commands, like /me. I need a list to add it in the guide (anyway for taunts I need the animated gif of every taunt). For now I know:


Anything else?

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Oh wow. I only knew /me.
Lawl, we need /n00b... :P
at last I see where the hedge pissing animation is actually used...

Acid Pee Attack? Pee?

unC0Rr's picture
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daimadoshi85 allegedly wrote:


it's full list for now

unC0Rr's picture
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daimadoshi85's picture
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Thank you very much!I'll add it later!

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Dark Spyro
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Wow I never heard this before, but I shound have known :/. Anyway thx.

/rollup Hiding
/ilovelotsoflemonade Pee?
/sad Sad Smiley
/hurrah Big Grin
/juggle (No Image)
/me is laughing - USER is laughing
/wave Smile

By the way, yes I'm on Dark Side

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Wuzzy's picture
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I have discovered another chat command:

Your hedgehogs rolls his eyes if you type it in. I wonder when that one has been introduced to Hedgewars.

OMH! I have discovered some completely new shit here!

/team message
Send message as chat message to members of your team only.

/hsa message
Let your hedgehog say message in a speech bubble on the next attack.

/hya message
Let your hedgehog yell message in a yelling ehhm… "bubble" on the next attack.

/hta message
Let your hedgehog think message in a thinking bubble on the next attack.

Shocking SRSLY?

Edit 2:
I have now discovered how to let your hedgehog talk/think using speech bubbles instantly. You have to enclose your text within double quotes, single quotes, or hyphens.

Let your hedgehog say message in a speech bubble instantly.

Let your hedgehog yell message in a yelling "bubble" instantly.

Let your hedgehog think message in a thinking bubble instantly.

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Star and Moon
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Edit 2:
I have now discovered how to let your hedgehog talk/think using speech bubbles instantly. You have to enclose your text within double quotes, single quotes, or hyphens.

Let your hedgehog say message in a speech bubble instantly.

Let your hedgehog yell message in a yelling "bubble" instantly.

Let your hedgehog think message in a thinking bubble instantly.

Also you can do speech when it's not your turn, for example typing "3message" will make your third hog speak.

However if hedgehog one or two dies, then hedgehog three becomes hedgehog two, be careful of that.

nemo's picture
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y is the shortcut key for "/team"

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Koda's picture
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in .19 you also have /fullscreen, /quit and another one i can't remember :<
maybe we should do a little wiki on this :p

Koda's picture
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Koda allegedly wrote:

in .19 you also have /fullscreen, /quit and another one i can't remember :<
maybe we should do a little wiki on this :p

(ChatCmd: '/quit'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'halt'),
(ChatCmd: '/pause'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'pause'),
(ChatCmd: '/finish'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'finish'),
(ChatCmd: '/fullscreen'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'fullscr')

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Koda allegedly wrote:

in .19 you also have /fullscreen, /quit and another one i can't remember :<
maybe we should do a little wiki on this :p

There you go!

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Very helpful Koda. Smile

But didn't you forget /delegate USER to make someone else admin/host? Only works when you're admin of course, but I still think it should probably be in there.

How does that /msg work actually? I can't get it working...

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Stef allegedly wrote:

Very helpful Koda. Smile

But didn't you forget /delegate USER to make someone else admin/host? Only works when you're admin of course, but I still think it should probably be in there.

How does that /msg work actually? I can't get it working...

Maybe /msg is incorrect.
Also all the /say commands are missing.
Feel free to correct the page, it is a wiki after all Wink Smiley
(If you need wiki access just send me a pm)

Wuzzy's picture
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Finally! This wiki page was long overdue.

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Wuzzy's picture
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New chat commands in 0.9.21:

  • /lua: Toggles the Lua console. If the Lua console is on, you can use the chat to enter arbitrary Lua commands.
  • /togglechat: disable/enable chat display (does not affect chat history display)

Note: The Lua console is still a bit experimental, for example, you cannot access many of the global variables which are not functions.

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ilovelotsoflemonade ... wow. That is kind of disturbing...

I honestly didn't know the game let your hog pee...

I would suggest a client and server side option to disable things like /ilovelotsoflemonade, profanity in the hedgehog soundbanks, and the pentagram flag; but I don't think you would take those options seriously.

nemo's picture
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You're always welcome to delete the flag and soundbanks and copy something else over that sprite, like, oh the rollup one or something.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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