Where do you come from?

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Paavo's picture
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Hamina, Finland

rockachu2's picture
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Washington, USA (the state not city), Seattle area
My computer is the worst patchwork ever made, except maybe another tweaker
Wink Smiley

My favorite sport: nerd sniping.

doubledutch's picture
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Although I disagree with him on a regular basis, Combz insists that I live in California... so that must be right. Maracuya doesn't post on the forums so I'll let you know where he is: my basement. I feed him slices of papaya that I push through the holes in the door (it's been boarded shut for ages).

User offline. Last seen 13 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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London, then Galway, now Chicago.

L.'s picture
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Italy, Tuscany... Grosseto...

"Allora cerca di capire:
Non sprecare il tuo tempo rimpiangendo quegli anni perduti!
Solleva il viso, e lotta
E renditi conto di star vivendo i tuoi anni migliori!" [ Iron Maiden - Wasted Years ]

Il 92% dei ragazzi ascolta musica rap, hip-pop, commercial o techno; solo l'8% ascolta rock, punk o metal.
Se sei fra questo 8% copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma.


Randy's picture
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Rosario-Santa Fe- Argentina Big Grin

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself

Stoil89's picture
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Sofia, Bulgaria

betancourt1's picture
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New Jersey,USA (living)


User offline. Last seen 12 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Australia mate!

seana11's picture
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I was Boooooorn in the USA.

Specificly Washington, DC.

CACP Founder

iiiGerardoiii's picture
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de Monterrey Nuevo León, México Big Grin!!!


iiiGerardoiii's Team 

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