User sees the text of some PHP script

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User sees the text of some PHP script

when you click at demos, there is some php code which isn't really there to be seen, is it? Big Grin


if ( user_access('create demo content') )
print l('Add your demo', 'node/add/demo', NULL, drupal_get_destination());

kind regards,

Josh's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-11-09
Posts: 430

Well spotted!

if ( user_access('create demo content') )
print l('Add your demo', 'node/add/demo', NULL, drupal_get_destination());

I think it's the "l" after "print", probably added by mistake if that is the case.
I'm no php expert though xD

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