Some minor improvements

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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- autofocus on textboxes in online lobby and game lobby

- transparency on inactive hedgehogs name, team and health if active hedgehog comes near them (or not to display the healthbar etc at all if active hedgehog is too near)

- ingame action: switch hedgehog, in the current version needs to be activated by hitting space first and then continuing with tab to select the right hedgehog. however, i would prefer to not hit the space key at all and instead rely on tab alone. furthermore you should that way not accidentially consume more than one switch hedgehog uses in one round by pressing space more than once.

- german version of hedgewars: when pushing escape to exit the game, the key bound to finally exit is mapped wrong. (Wirklich beenden (Y/ESC)? Y is not the button to push, instead it is Z. Y and Z are have swapped positions on a german keyboard if you compare it to an english one. If it is not a keybinding issue and instead an issue in the translation, i could not find the phrase.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-05-13
Posts: 27

DetonierElch allegedly wrote:
- german version of hedgewars: when pushing escape to exit the game, the key bound to finally exit is mapped wrong. (Wirklich beenden (Y/ESC)? Y is not the button to push, instead it is Z. Y and Z are have swapped positions on a german keyboard if you compare it to an english one. If it is not a keybinding issue and instead an issue in the translation, i could not find the phrase.

You're right, many computers have QWERTZ keyboard. This can be fixed by modifing the quit dialog to have clickable YES, NO buttons.

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