German voice pack
Here are posted the newest German voice packs .
1. Entpacken
2. Den "Default"-Ordner aus dem Paket kopieren und in "\Hedgewars 0.9.9*\share\hedgewars\Data\Sounds\voices" einfügen.
ACHTUNG: Beim hinein kopieren werden die englischen Sprachdaten ersetzt!
1. Entpacken
2. Den "Default" Ordner beliebig umbenennen (z.B in "Deutsch"), kopieren und in das "\Hedgewars 0.9.9*\share\hedgewars\Data\Sounds\voices" Verzeichnis einfügen.
3. Das Spiel starten und ein neues Team erstellen oder ein vorhandenes bearbeiten. In diesem Menu kann die Sprache unter "Team" ausgewählt werden.
* sollte mit neueren Versionen ebenfalls funktionieren.
Viel Spaß!
1. Unpack
2. Copy the "Default"dir from the package into "(YourInstallationPath)\Hedgewars 0.9.9*\share\hedgewars\Data\Sounds\voices"
WARNING: The old english "Default" dir will be deleted!
second method:
1. Unpack
2. Rename the "Default" dir from the package into any other name (for example "German"), then copy
the renamed dir into "(YourInstallationPath)\Hedgewars 0.9.9*\share\hedgewars\Data\Sounds\voices"
:D:D Nice work but most of them sound like drunk Stephen Hawking :P Some of the exclamations are...Well, not exclamations at all. May I ask something. Did I hear "Ich krieg disch" ("disch" = "dich" but with a dialect pronunciation) or it's from the quality of the record? Would prefer Hochdeutsch or some kind of funny dialect (but not Tirolian (bischt = bist, hascht = hast etc.).
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
new name: Drunken Germans
The quality isn't good , I said it .
And I have to pronunicate better .
Edit :
Sometimes is my speak too quiet ingame .
Mhm. Need a little bit practice If you're from Germany think as if it's your usual style of speaking. After that you can modify it.
PS: Hope you don't sound that drunk all the time live Just a joke of course
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
version 2.1 is finished ; changes :
Stereo , more db ;
sry forgot something in 2.0
Still sounds like Stephen Hawking, but this time a little bit better...Like after a heavy drinking night Man, there is no intonation in their voices... No matter if it says "I love you" or "Die, bi*ch!", it'll sound the same.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
New data :
I redone anything .
Sorry for me being so critical...But we want it to be as perfect as it can.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
I know , my new pack is 0.8 : NOT FINISHEd .
And for some critical opinion the voice pack will be better .
Some critical opinion = rbaleksandar's opinion
Still the same intonation. Why's that?
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
I'd like to have this voice pack, but the link is dead?!
Yes , nobody downloaded it too long . Ask rbaleksandar for the voice pack , I have a new PC and did not safe it .
Hey, you didn't tell me I have to keep it Don't you have it somewhere? Next time upload in MediaFire and create an account there (or similar hosting server). There is no rule "too long no downloads, so we've deleted it". That's one of the many things I hate in rapidshare! About the voice pack - see the thread in the German forum. There's a small discussion. It won't be ready soon.
EDIT: @larsich30 made a new one. Since I don't have the old one, I can't compare which is better. But I think @larsich30's is better - quality of sound isn't good and there are missing translations but still - intonation is better than by Mkk-Bote (no offense, Mkk-Bote ).
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
I've now finished my soundpack:
Listen to it. My only problem is, that the sound comes later then the action happend.
For more informations visit the german topic
MfG Lars
Mein neustes, deutsches Soundpaket V1.6 (Überarbeitet mit Mkk-Bote / unterstützt durch rbaleksandar) :
One more thing to add - Soundquality Pls, HW Team, tell us your secret I've tried myself to make it better but it's still not good enough. Far from the default voicepack's quality. Thank you in advance!
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.
Hope it will in 0.9.10 with the Name "Deutsch" .
Yes, that could be really nice
Next Version:
- there are only two little changes.
Mein neustes, deutsches Soundpaket V1.6 (Überarbeitet mit Mkk-Bote / unterstützt durch rbaleksandar) :