Submit your team

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Uriah's picture
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dbkblk has requested we include some default AI teams of varying skill levels. Over in this thread.

So I'm going to leave it up to you guys,
Suggest a team, suggest it's title, hats, graves, voice, fort and so on. We'll add the best ones as AI teams and they might become a part of campaign mode Smile

Do it in a format similar to this:

Team Name: Fruits
Hog1: Banana Hog Hat: Banana
Hog2: Apple Hog Hat: Apple

Grave: badger
Voice: singer
fort: globe
AI level: 1


Josh's picture
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Team Name: StarHogs
Hog1: Darth Vader Hat: Vader
Hog2: Storm Trooper Hat: Trooper1
Hog3: Storm Trooper Hat: Trooper2
Hog4: Storm Trooper Hat: Trooper3
Hog5: Storm Trooper Hat: Trooper4
Hog6: Storm Trooper Hat: Trooper5
Hog7: Storm Trooper Hat: Trooper6
Hog8: Storm Trooper Hat: Trooper7
Grave: Eyecross
Voice: Default
fort: UFO
AI level: 4

Uriah's picture
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I don't like the name "StarHogs"
Any better idea?

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Dunno for the name :S

I'm conjuring up another new one, Just need 4 more names.. >_<

Josh's picture
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Team Name: Wizards
Hog1: Wizard Hat: Merlin
Hog2: Wizard Hat: Gandalf
Hog3: Wizard Hat: Harry Potter -- Lol ^^
Hog4: Wizard Hat: The Wizard of Oz
Hog5: Wizard Hat: Saruman
Hog6: Wizard Hat: Jafar
Hog7: Wizard Hat: Rincewind
Hog8: Wizard Hat: Voldemort
Grave: Star
Voice: Default
fort: Castle
AI level: 5

rbaleksandar's picture
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Big Grin Oh, you lazy ...... Well, my Team is called

Metal HedgeROCK:

1)Freddie Hedgecury (Queen)
2)Alice Hedgecooper (Alice Cooper)
3)Hedgehoghead (Motorhead)
4)Uriah Hedgehog (Uriah Heep)
5)Guns & Hedgehogs (Guns and Roses - how thoughtful of me Smile)
6)AC/HC (Alternating Current/Direct Current mostly known as AC/DC Smile The H stays for Hedgehog Wink Smiley)
7)Iron Maidenhogs (Iron Maiden)
8)Beatlehogs (The Beatles)

Grave: Badger (love how it shakes - kind Big Grin)
Fort: Hydrant (let it be something made of solid metal showing the pure awesomeness and manliness of these music styles Big Grin - would like if someone makes an electric/acoustic guitar fort with some drums too Wink Smiley)
Voice: Singing

Would love to add more rock/metal hedgehogs, but their number is limited Sad Smiley

PS: Josh, you can add Jafar (from Aladdin) and the almighty Rincewind (from Discworld) Big Grin

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Josh's picture
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Freddie Mercury? Metal? No. He's not. He's gay, sucks and blows. :P

Uriah's picture
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You have to use voices/hats that actually exist

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Post edited, we has teh wizardz ^^

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May "The black star" a better name for the star wars team ? Big Grin

rbaleksandar's picture
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Josh allegedly wrote:
Freddie Mercury? Metal? No. He's not. He's gay, sucks and blows. :P

:O:O:O Sometimes I do wonder if some people use their brains... :piss:

PS: Did I say Freddie + Metal? Think not. Don't forget the name of the team - Metal Hedgerock Smile

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Josh's picture
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Ah, missed that little inclusion of rock there :P

I like "the black star" even if none of it has anything to do with star wars except maybe "star". xD

daimadoshi85's picture
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Why not Matrix??

Team Name: Hogtrix
Hog1: Sunglasses Hat: Neo
Hog2: Sunglasses Hat: Morpheus
Hog3: Sunglasses Hat: Trinity
Hog4: Sunglasses Hat: Dozer
Hog5: Sunglasses Hat: Switch
Hog6: Sunglasses Hat: Epoc
Hog7: Sunglasses Hat: Cypher
Hog8: Sunglasses Hat: Tank
Grave: Statue
Voice: Default
fort: Earth
AI level: 5

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Josh allegedly wrote:

Ah, missed that little inclusion of rock there :P

I like "the black star" even if none of it has anything to do with star wars except maybe "star". xD

The black star is name of Darth Vader's spaceship ^^ ...but i may have done a bad translation from my french knowledge ?

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I think it's death star.
I dunno, I forgot alot of the starwars crap, I need to watch all the movies again >_<

Jagis's picture
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Team: Black Mesa Liberation Front
Hog1Glasses! Freeman
Hog2Stormtrooper! Shepard
Hog3:Blue Cap: Barney
Hog4Bandit! Dr. Vance
Hog5Cyborg DOG
Hog6Glasses! Kleiner
Hog7:Kirby: G. Frohman

Grave: Star
Voice: Default
Fort: Earth
AI: 3

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@Josh: You're right. It is death star.

@Jagis: Cool. Weird, but cool.

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i can has suggestion?

i hope, that thread hasnt come to an end yet, cuz i got an idea Big Grin

Team Name: Reservoir Hogs
Hog1: Cowboy! Mr. White
Hog2: Cowboy! Mr. Orange
Hog3: Cowboy! Mr. Pink
Hog4: Cowboy! Mr. Blonde
Hog5: Cowboy! Mr. Brown
Hog6: Cowboy! Mr. Blue
Hog7: Bandit! Nice Hog Eddie
Hog8: Sunglasses! Joe Hogot
Grave: Coffin
Voice: Default
fort: Hydrant
AI level: 5

hope, u like it Smile

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Inu's picture
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Just be aware that if you're gonna make teams, don't use names from other series or games, as they can't be included by default if this ever gets accepted, simply to avoid conflicts.

Of course if you use "Dark Waiter" instead of "Dark Vader" for example, it's fine.

mikade's picture
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... is it me, or did you just reply to a 2 year dead thread?

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Inu's picture
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I just got linked here, and decided to reply. Big Grin
Maybe people find it fun again and give it new fire!

betancourt1's picture
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haha I'll try to start it up
(all names are red)

Knight! Red Cap! Red Cap! Red Cap! Red Cap! Red Cap! Red Cap! Red Cap!


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Making this sticky for a while so it doesn't get lost again... we still need some teams included.

Inu's picture
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Guess it wasn't a bad idea to bring this up after all. xD

seana11's picture
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This is my AI team.

Team Name: RoboHogs
Hog1: :cyborg1: Marvin
Hog2: :cyborg1: R2-D2
Hog3: :Eva_00b: Eva
Hog4: :Terminator_Glasses: T-800
Hog5: :cyborg2: Agent Smith
Hog6: :cyborg2: Data
Hog7: :ntd_Samus: Samus Aran
Hog8: :daftpunkguymanuel: Manuel
Grave: pokeball
Fort: Tank
Voicepack: Robot
Flag: binary

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MeinCookie95's picture
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Darth Vader's ship is actually the Executor, a Super Star-Destroyer 19 km long and pride of the Imperial fleet. It was the star destroyer which collided with the Death Star in the last one.

Just to settle that once and for all.

seana11's picture
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MeinCookie95 allegedly wrote:

Darth Vader's ship is actually the Executor, a Super Star-Destroyer 19 km long and pride of the Imperial fleet. It was the star destroyer which collided with the Death Star in the last one.

Just to settle that once and for all.

Woo! Random-off-topic-ness!

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dbkblk allegedly wrote:

Josh allegedly wrote:

Ah, missed that little inclusion of rock there :P

I like "the black star" even if none of it has anything to do with star wars except maybe "star". xD

The black star is name of Darth Vader's spaceship ^^ ...but i may have done a bad translation from my french knowledge ?


Randomly On-topic - simply a rather late response to an unresolved issue. Unless you accuse the original discussion itself of being off-topic. Questioning my post, however, does certainly stray into that murky abyss of off-topicality Big Grin.

EDIT ~ Also one of my AI Teams...

Team Name: Generic Panzergrouppe
Hog1: :DesertOfficer: The Desert Mole
Hog2: :DesertGrenadier1: Heinrich
Hog3: :DesertGrenadier1: Kurtz
Hog4: :DesertGrenadier2: Ernst
Hog5: :DesertGrenadier3: Lukas
Hog6: :DesertGrenadierPith1: Baldur
Hog7: :DesertGrenadier1: Benedikt
Hog8: :DesertGrenadierPith2: Albrecht
Grave: Statue
Fort: Plane
Voicepack: Classic
Flag: Pirate

Wuzzy's picture
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Okay, this is absurd:

Team name: Anonymous
Hog names: I don't know, because they want to stay anonymous! Ahahaha! That's the whole point of Anonymous. Being ... anonymous! Just call each of them "Anonymous", too, as they are a collective.

All anons wear of course a Guy Fawkes mask
Grave: grave of anonymous. Or a rose* maybe, but it doesn't exist yet.
Flag: Anonymous’ flag
Voicepack: Anonymous (synthesized voice)
Fort: Doesn't matter. British parliament, anyone?

Strength: As all Anonymous hogs are truly anonymous their enemies will have hard time to determine which hog is on the next turn.
Weakness: The anons get confused by this as well …
Big Grin

* = read/watch "V for Vendetta" to understand this

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h3oCharles's picture
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Team Name: Kingdom of KarBow 2
Hog 1: 'KarBoy2314PL' Hat: Crown! + ShortHair_Brown + Sunglasses!
Hog 2: 'Natalie VII Rainbownia' Hat: Crown! + Rainbow Hair + laurel
Hog 3: 'Johny II Jonoleous' Hat: Cowboy! + cyborg2
Hog 4: 'Andy III Fluius' Hat: Red Cap! + Sunglasses!
Hog 5: 'Michael IV Judous' Hat: ShortHair_Brown + TeamBandana
Hog 6: 'David V Souldirous' Hat: war_grenadier1
Hog 7: 'Richard VI Ninjasous' Hat: Ninja Triangle!
Hog 8: 'Bob VIII Skluatos' Hat: constructor + ShortHair_Black + Sunglasses!

Grave: karboy_mygrave_v1
Voice: RoboSoft One (syntesized voice)
fort: Castle Island from map "Islands"
AI level: 5

oh hi

sheepluva's picture
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Team Name: Kingdom of KarBow 2

Did you misspell your own name or is that your actual Team name? Big Grin

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
a Hedgewars Developer

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sheepluva allegedly wrote:

Team Name: Kingdom of KarBow 2

Did you misspell your own name or is that your actual Team name? Big Grin

Yup, I misspelled it on purpose AND It is my actual team. Welp, not really, but it is the role-playing one.

oh hi

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