Rating system and tournaments

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Hi, guys Smile

This time a suggestion about the web site AND the multiplayer game. Since both topics are bound in a close relationship, I'll join them in this topic.

First to mention that I usually don't like tournaments. But in games like this with joy and evil satisfaction carved on all your whole face while slaughtering 'em littl' hedgehog-bastards Smile, there has to be something like a rating system for multi and tournaments. Usually a tournament makes people f*ck each others mothers while loosing a game form Mr/Mrs X (of course only verbal sexual intercourse). But such games as Hedgewars are too funny and even loosing is cool, since you've watched the complete destruction of your hedgehogs. So that's why I've decided to make this suggestion.

1.Once in a while there can be a tournament (e.g. twice-three times per month). It will be posted in a special thread in the forum called Tournaments (among the other main threads like Feedback&Suggestions, News, Audio&Graphic etc.). There will be a judge that will arrange the conditions of each match. At first all players will be divided into pairs (or more, here a little help is wanted Wink Smiley) by lot. Each of us will post in the specific tournament if he wants to participate. Something like this:

  • News
  • General Discussion
  • ...
  • Tournaments
    • January 2009 Tournament 1
      • ->Post 1 (from Judge): #RULES#
      • ->Post 2 (from member A):"Count me in!"
      • ->Post 3 (from member B):"Gosh, a tournament.Let's rock!"
      • ->Post 4 (from member C):"Me too."
      • ->...
      • ->Post n-(k+1) (form member Z): "Last counts. I'm in."
      • ->Post n-k (from Judge): #DEVIDE memebers A to Z into pairs/teams#
      • ->Post n-(k-1) (from Judge): #RESULTS from ROUND x# / #PENALTIES#
      • ->...
      • ->Post n (from Judge): #WINNER(S)#
    • January 2009 Tournament
      • ...

The first post in each tournament thread will be the rules. Then members will "subscribe" and a judge will divide them into team (if it's team orientated tournament) or pairs.
After posting the results of the lot (I'm not sure if that's the best word for this but I hope you'll get the idea Wink Smiley), the tournament begins. According to the rules of the X Tournament, players will beat the cr*p out of each other and win/loose. There will be penalties (like disqualification) too. If the rules say: "Win by using only shotgun and a shotgun" and someone pops a big juicy...Bazooka (no, Josh, it's not what you like most Wink Smiley), he will be disqualified for example or will be automatically announced as looser in his next n game(s). The judge(s) will watch each and every game in each round as observers (not as participants). But what is a tournament without trophies and medals. The winners will be posted in the same thread of the current tournament and will get the fruits of their victory officially and in public (that is - the forum Smile). A winner can for example add the image of his trophy in his signature or avatar.

No about the multi-player. A ranking system will be crated that shows how many games you've won/lost + tournaments achievements. There was a ranking system in Worms too. You may take this and that from there.

That's all. Hope you like the idea. It'll be like a big advertisement for the game too.

Best regards,

PS:Too many mistakes I've made, too many I'll make Smile

EDIT: A little bit of old HTML formatting made in this thread, so that it looks cooler Smile

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Josh's picture
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I want tournaments... And big juicy bazookas. Wink Smiley
I suggested a statistic screens a while ago, glad to see I'm not the only one who wants one.

rbaleksandar's picture
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Josh allegedly wrote:

Do not mention God's name in vain, son.

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DrDickens's picture
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This type of shit always make people cheating. That's why we cut of any stats and rangs on our local cs servers.

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rbaleksandar's picture
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P-l-e-a-s-e. Don't ruin my thread Sad Smiley

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unC0Rr's picture
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You have almost no possibilities to cheat in hedgewars

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Not unless someone modifies the hedgewars engine, but then they wouldn't be able to play in the same server, right?

rbaleksandar's picture
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Why the hell would anybody want to cheat in this game?! As I posted above - even loosing makes you laugh. The more hedgehogs destroyed, the funnier it is. No matter if they're your own dudes or those of the enemy. Smile In a tournament with such gameplay even a total looser will have fun (with total looser I mean 0 victories...Ever Big Grin).

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rbaleksandar's picture
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btw That's what the judge(s) during each match are for Wink Smiley

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Josh's picture
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Good point.
So, what's the verdict ?

rbaleksandar's picture
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Patience and inner peace are the key to victory. Wink Smiley

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unC0Rr's picture
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Josh: right

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By "what's the verdict" I meant is there a possibility of these tournaments ever occurring? Smile

rbaleksandar's picture
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And I answered Smile Wait and you'll get your answer Pee? btw Don't understand what unC0Rr meant by saying "Josh: right". Geek

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Josh: sure, it's planned feature, needs much coding for support

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If I can help out in any way I possibly can, gimme a shout! ;D

rbaleksandar's picture
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Count me in.

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