Weapon set preview

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Palewolf's picture
User offline. Last seen 8 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 90

I'm getting a little sick of people playing with all weapons enabled from the beginning. It would be really nice to be able fo fetch room data before actually entering in (for example, on hover), or at very least to be able to get a description of selected weapon set rather than only its name.

Whatcha guys think?

Josh's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
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That sounds like it'll use quite a lot of 'space' on the screen, unless you were to do it the same way that you get playerdata to show; display this info in the chatbox on the lobby, maybe a bit like this:

Room Name: "Quick Game, Join!"
Inprogress: No
Playercount: 4
- Josh
- Player
- Unnamed
- Nickname
Teamcount: 5 (1 CPU)
- Slowpokez
- Lol
- Superteam!
- Nippon!
- CPU_Hard
Turntime: 45
Healthvalue: 120
Indestructibleland: No
Map: "Randomly Generated Map"
Theme: "Nature"
Weaponscheme: "Supahgunz"

Obviously add anything I missed, just a quick example of what I mean. Smile

Palewolf's picture
User offline. Last seen 8 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 90

I had in mind something more visual, like a "on hover" preview like this

for in-room.

When in lobby it could be done both ways, just spitting it out in text or with a similar preview but with room's info.

Josh's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 430

Aha, that's a great way! Big Grin

Uriah's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 359

ding ding good idea

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