Graphical Crap since 0.9.8

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DrDickens's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 52 weeks ago. Offline
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As you can see there'is a diagonal line over any text. Looks like it smudges it some how. Really annoing.

My pc:

AMD 64+ 3500+
ATi x700pro
1024Mb RAM

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unC0Rr's picture
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it's ATI Big Grin chat visualization code didn't change since 0.9.7

DrDickens's picture
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No. It's not. BTW why gamedevs hate ati so much? Also it's not about chat only. It's about ALL the text. Have a good loock at hedges names etc. And futhermore I still have 0.9.7 installed. There's no shit. I heard you were going to use opengl since 8, so i think that's the conflict.

Edit: whoops. Same shit in 0.9.7 But it looks like fun. When ur typing the chat message, the line changes so it could cross the fuck out all the text... Letter by letter... It behaves like captcha or somth.

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DrDickens's picture
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And what about antialiased chat? Is it so hard to code, or the other text is prerendered, so it would take ages to render the chat?

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unC0Rr's picture
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Chat couldn't be antialiased, as SDL fails to do it. ATI drivers suck, trust me :P

DrDickens's picture
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I just hope that lacking of yellow line on the top of your userpic is not the fault of ati drivers.

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