Announcer messages

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Uriah's picture
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Right, I don't know if this will end up in 0.9.10 or not. We have a todo list for 0.9.10 already and I'll only put it on there if everything else gets done early. But we might as well move ahead with it now.

I need messages for the text announcer at the top of the screen.
Here are the rules.

1. Grammar must be good
2. Nothing obscene
3. Nothing from a certain invertebrate based game
4. Entertaining
5. I'll decide if you've met rules 1,2,3,4 or not.

So here goes, we need messages for all these different categories:

---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------
Example: Hog1 is bent on self destruction!

---------Inflicting below 50 damage on an enemy----------
Example: Hog1 chips away at Hog2

---------Inflicting above 50 damage on an enemy----------
Example: Hog1 teaches Hog2 who's boss!

---------Killing an enemy via damage----------
Example: Hog1 sends Hog2 to meet his maker

---------Killing an enemy via drowning----------
Example: Hog1 sends Hog2 hurtling into the deep blue

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
Example: Hog1 fancied a swim

---------Killing an enemy with RC plane----------
Example: Hog1 is a top gun!

---------Damaging a team member----------
Example: Hog1's relationship with Hog2 has become a little rocky

---------Killing two hogs at once----------
Example: Hog1 is a two for one kind of guy!

---------Killing three hogs at once----------
Example: Hog1 gives it the old one, two, three

---------Killing four hogs at once----------
Example: The match will be over pretty quickly if Hog1 has his way

----------Killing five hogs at once----------
Example: W-what just happened?

---------Timer runs out----------
Example: Could hog1 be anymore boring?


I may add more categories later, or you can suggest some.
Anyway lets fill this up.


DrDickens's picture
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I've killed 5 hogs with a plane yesterday (in one turn). Sounds like new category.

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---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------
What?! Hog1's an emo...

DrDickens's picture
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Damn, man, that was a joke.
Here are sum suggestions. Just for practice. And, yay, grammar sux, i know that.

---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------
*) Hog 1 sould have read some manuals before pressing any triggers.
*) What's wrong with you, Hog 1? Handshake?
*) Any excuse to this fail , Hog 1?

---------Damaging a team member----------
*) Hog 1 made Hog 2 go wtf.
*) Is Hog 1 color blind?
*) Hog 1 won't be awarded for that recreant hit.
*) Hog 2 is disappointed with Hog's 1 actions.
*) Hog 1 won't get any homie love from Hog 2 anymore.

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
*) Hog 1 grew up tired and left the battlegound. Via the bottom of the sea.
*) No one can hurt Hog 1 now. Since no weapon works underwater.
*) Spikes protect Hog 1 from being eaten. But this is no use below the waves.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

rbaleksandar's picture
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DrDickens allegedly wrote:

---------Damaging a team member----------
*) Hog 1 made Hog 2 go wtf.

"wtf" isn't good. Any word with fuck in it isn't good for a message. Children play this game too, you know.

DrDickens allegedly wrote:

*) Is Hog 1 color blind?

Abuse to those who are really color blind. There might be people that have this disadvantage and play this game (team colors are not only blue, red, green).

DrDickens allegedly wrote:

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
*) No one can hurt Hog 1 now. Since no weapon works underwater.

UFO does.

I'll think of something too Geek

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This wasn't intended to be srs. But thanks for the feedback.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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Wink Smiley

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---------Suffers 30+ Damage from falling------- (It could be another topic Wink Smiley )
Is hog1 a Lemming?

---------Killing two hogs at once----------
Two birds with one stone!

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
Glug Glug!

Wow, bubbles!

---------Timer runs out----------
*sigh* BORING!


----------Killing five hogs at once----------
Hog1 is a mass murderer!

----------Killing five hogs at once----------

---------Killing two hogs at once----------
Buy one, get one free!

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I like Buy one, get one free!

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---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------
Hog 1 is a glutton for punishment.

Hog 1 was looking great.... till he shot himself.

Hog 1 shot himself in the foot !

Hog 1 tested his weapon - And it worked !

Hog 1 became his own enemy.

---------Inflicting below 50 damage on an enemy----------

Hog 2 got picked on by Hog 1.

Hog 1 increases his chances of winning slowly but surely.

---------Inflicting above 50 damage on an enemy----------

Hog 1 introduced Hog 2 to pain.

Hog 2 caught the receiving end of Hog 1's wrath.

Hog 1 showed that minimal damage isn't his style.

---------Killing an enemy via damage----------

Hog 1 adds another notch to his belt.

Hog 2 is now just a piece of the landscape.

Hog 2 wishes Hog 1 used less than lethal force.

---------Killing an enemy via drowning----------
Ooo 'Ar Hog lad, down ta the briney deep for hog 2.

Hog 2 walked the plank !

Hog 2 just caught some surf !

Surf's up for Hog 2.

Hog 2 took a long walk off a short pier.

Hog 2 forgot his floatation device !

Hog 1 gave Hog 2 some free swimming lessons !

Hog 2 made a great splash with his fellow hogs.

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------

Hog 1 went for a swim with the fishes.

Hog 1 got tired of life.

Hog 1 failed to come up for air.

He's fallen in the water !

Feel sorry for Hog 1.

---------Killing an enemy with RC plane----------

Hog 2 was caught in a Catch-22 situation.

Hog 2 just went west.

Hog 2 caught the last bus home.

Hog 2 was defenceless against Hog 1's bombardment.

Hog 1 served up death in a flying machine.

Hog 1 zone-called Hog 2.

---------Damaging a team member----------

Hog 1 forgot who his friends are.

Hog 1 forgot who the enemy were.

Hog 2 was rather annoyed at Hog 1's actions

Hog 2 asks to defect to the enemy for that little encounter.

Hog 1's aim was a little off.

---------Killing two hogs at once----------
Hog Shots - Part Deux!

One potato, Two potato - Hog 1 jackets a double kill.

Hog 1 made sure to even up the odds.

---------Killing three hogs at once----------

Hog 2, Hog 3 and Hog 4 all regret having met Hog 1.

Hog 1 shows his aggression.

---------Killing four hogs at once----------

Four down for Hog 1.

FOUR ! ! !

Hog 1 subtracts 4.

----------Killing five hogs at once----------

There goes the neighbourhood.

Now you see them ! Now you don't!

Hog 1 pulls off a trick shot.

! Amazing !

Hog 1 gives them the old 1,2... 3,4,5.

Howzat !

---------Timer runs out----------

Did we forget to check the time?

What's the time Mr Hog?

Hog 1 forgot to set his alarm clock this go.

Well, that was a waste of time !

Nothing to see here, move along.

Are you AFK ?!!?

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Hurray, someone who can write.
I will add yours when I find time, well done

daimadoshi85's picture
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Oh, please, add something for seduction!(Please correct sentences if there are some errors)

---------Killing an enemy with Seduction----------

Hog 2 fell in love with hog 1...but he just fell.

Hog 1 is an expert in disguising

Ehi Hog 2, isn't Hog 1 lovely?

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Hog 2 fell in love with hog 1...but he just fell.

Palewolf's picture
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Please keep in mind: Hedgewars is a multilanguage game.

Puns are fun, but hard or impossible to translate.

rbaleksandar's picture
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Palewolf allegedly wrote:
Please keep in mind: Hedgewars is a multilanguage game.

Puns are fun, but hard or impossible to translate.

Very good point!

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---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------

Hog1 is bored with life
Hog1 is late for a meeting with reaper

---------Inflicting below 50 damage on an enemy----------

Hog1 is laying down the hurt on hog2
Hog1 is teasing hog2
Hog1 wants hog2 to live so he can hurt him some more

---------Inflicting above 50 damage on an enemy----------

Hog1 is Hog2's daddy
Hog2's ass is grass, and Hog1 is the lawnmower (lame!)
The world is not big enough for Hog1 and Hog2

---------Killing an enemy via damage----------

Hog1 is eating Hog2 pie
Hog1 was sick of Hog2's nagging

---------Killing an enemy via drowning----------

Hog1 made shark-bait out of Hog2
Hog1 sends Hog2 to meet the fishes
Hog1 thinks Hog2 needs a bath

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------

Hog1 needed a bath
Hog1 needed to cool off
Hog1 fell in love with a mermaid

---------Killing an enemy with RC plane----------

Hog1 is the Red Baron!
Hog1 took a dump on Hog2
Hog1 floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee
Hog2 thinks Hog1 should join the Red Arrows

---------Damaging a team member----------

Hog1 wants all the glory
Hog1 isn't making any new friends today

---------Killing two hogs at once----------

Hog1 is efficent
Hog1 isn't wasting any time
Hog1 doubled up

---------Killing three hogs at once----------

Hog1 bowls a turkey!
Hog1 Makes it 3 for good luck
Hog1 says three's a crowd

---------Killing four hogs at once----------

Hog1 screams fooooooore!
Hog1 is the dark knight
Hog1 is cleaning up

----------Killing five hogs at once----------

Hog1 is the Reaper
Hog1 is calling for armageddon
Hog1 declares "Judgement day"

---------Timer runs out----------

Time for Hog1 to find a road to play in
Hog1 prefers Chess
Hog1 was thinking about /random hog/
Hog1 is easily distracted by pretty things

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rbaleksandar allegedly wrote:
Palewolf allegedly wrote:
Please keep in mind: Hedgewars is a multilanguage game.

Puns are fun, but hard or impossible to translate.

Very good point!

You're right!Effectively it's difficult to translate also in italian...but it was so good and I wanted to share it with you Smile

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affect's picture
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Palewolf allegedly wrote:
Please keep in mind: Hedgewars is a multilanguage game.

Puns are fun, but hard or impossible to translate.

imho translations could slightly differ

Now when we have drunk some beer let's go drive a car.

Palewolf's picture
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A few word plays are ok. Heck, are needed indeed Wink Smiley

As Affect said, translations should be allowed to differ slighty from original, but not very much imo. I'd rather keep game as uniform as possible no matter what country player is from.

daimadoshi85's picture
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I reopen this topic because this will be the new feature of 0.9.12. Do you think it's possible to add announcer messages said from the hedgehogs using the speech bubbles??

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Smaxx's picture
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Imo it better fits being "spoken" by some kind of spectator/commentator.

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rbaleksandar allegedly wrote:

DrDickens allegedly wrote:

---------Damaging a team member----------
*) Hog 1 made Hog 2 go wtf.

"wtf" isn't good. Any word with fuck in it isn't good for a message. Children play this game too, you know.

DrDickens allegedly wrote:

*) Is Hog 1 color blind?

Abuse to those who are really color blind. There might be people that have this disadvantage and play this game (team colors are not only blue, red, green).

DrDickens allegedly wrote:

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
*) No one can hurt Hog 1 now. Since no weapon works underwater.

UFO does.

I'll think of something too Geek

Im a kid Sad Smiley

Games playing wwp and hedgewars.

rbaleksandar's picture
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Smaxx allegedly wrote:

Imo it better fits being "spoken" by some kind of spectator/commentator.

True, but it has to be a funny voice or something that's usually not so funny but in the game context is...Like the commentator by Mortal Kombat. Big Grin Some high-pitched voices of the hedgehogs and suddenly a voice from Hell says something silly and funny. Wink Smiley

A couple of suggestions for the messages(not in order, sorry):

---------Killing an enemy via damage----------
Hog1 gives Hog2 a permanent vacation.

---------Timer runs out----------
Knitting is a more suited occupation for hog1.

----------Killing five hogs at once----------
Mass slaughter. Mature content.

---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------
Hog1 is trying to show how clumsy he/she is.
Note: ^Dunno what sex hedgehogs usually are in this game :D

---------Killing four hogs at once----------
Hog1 might also want to consider a job as Jack The hedgehogs' ripper.

---------Killing three hogs at once----------
Three heads down for good luck.

---------Damaging a team member----------
Hog1 and Hog2 ain't so great lovers after all...

---------Killing an enemy with RC plane----------
Hog1 better even than Red Baron.

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
Hog1 is a fish-lover.

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---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------
Somebody fetch a straitjacket
Hog1 is checking if it hurts
Hog1 fumbles!
Abort, Retry, Fail?

---------Inflicting below 50 damage on an enemy----------
Hog1 gives Hog2 a demo
Hog1's getting warmed up
Hog1 adjusts his sights
Hog1 fires a warning shot
Hog1 gets ready to rumble
It's only a flesh wound

---------Inflicting above 50 damage on an enemy----------
That's gotta hurt!
Hog1 uses the force
Hog1 dishes out an extra helping!

---------Killing an enemy via damage----------
Another one bites the dust
One down
Hasta la vista, baby!
Hog2 takes the graveyard shift
Hog1 doesn't disappoint
It's business time
Hog1 rains on Hog2's parade
Hog1 hedges hit bets
Alas! Poor Hog2!

---------Killing an enemy via drowning----------
Sea you later Hog2!
Hog2 is treading water
Hog2 missed the boat
Bon Voyage!
Hog2 grows gills

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
Hog1 forgot to breathe
Hog1 discovers water is wet
Glug, glug, glug...

---------Killing an enemy with RC plane----------
Is is a bird? Is it a plane?
Top Gun!
Hog1 performs a flyby

---------Damaging a team member----------
Hog1's finger slipped

---------Killing two hogs at once----------
Two heads are better than one!
Sharing is caring
Hog1 is seeing double!

---------Killing three hogs at once----------
Two's company, three's a crowd!

---------Killing four hogs at once----------
Hog1 takes his toll

----------Killing five hogs at once----------
Hog1 shares the love
Hog1 always buys in bulk
Hog1 came, Hog1 saw, Hog1 conquered

---------Timer runs out----------
You snooze, you lose!
If you're gonna shoot, shoot!
Hog1 missed the starting gun


Some of those might be from that other game, but I can't remember. If they are, well it certainly wasn't that other game which invented them.

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---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------
Hog1 should read a book.
Hog1 requires happy pills.
Hog1 is doing it wrong.
Hog1 thought the safety was on.
Hog1 was trying to clean it.
Hog1 has had too much.

---------Inflicting below 50 damage on an enemy----------
Hog1 has just begun.
Hog1 begins the dirty work.
Hog1 plays it cool.

---------Inflicting above 50 damage on an enemy----------
Watch out, Hog1 is about!
High damage, Hog1 damage.
Hog1 brings the pain.

---------Killing an enemy via damage----------
"Hog1" has become a killing word.
Hog2 didn't know what hit him.

---------Killing an enemy via drowning----------
Hog1 casts Hog2 off to sea.
Hog2 should have bought Hog1 a new cat.

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
Hog1 tried to simulate waterboarding.
Hog1 forgot his floaties.
Hog1 got too close to the edge.
Hog1 forgot to pack another rope.
Hog1 was let off his leash.
Hog1 Free Willy'd.

---------Killing yourself----------
Hog1 is not the hog you're looking for.
Hot1 chooses death.

---------Killing an enemy with RC plane----------
Hog1 is quick on the sticks.
Hog1 used to bulls-eye womp rats back home.

---------Damaging a team member----------
Team1 has entered a time of calamity.

---------Killing two hogs at once----------
Hog1 has become death.
Hog1 is a core duo two processor!

---------Killing three hogs at once----------
Hog1 giveth, and Hog1 taketh away.

---------Killing four hogs at once----------
Hogs1 calculates the square root of 16.

----------Killing five hogs at once----------
First hog1 made heaven & earth, then engulfed it in flame.

---------Timer runs out----------
Hog1 saw some nice flowers.
Hog1 didn't care enough.
Hog1 should have stayed in bed.
Hog1 didn't eat his Wheaties.
Hog1 tried to hard.
Hog1 just wants to hug.

Mazama's picture
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Great Idea. Are you going to do it in a big "Wrestling Announcer" type of voice?

May I request adding more voices to the Hogs themselves? They say the same thing over and over.

Bojan's picture
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Hog 1 went for a swim with the fishes.

This is a classic. Quake. Smile

I didn't know about this topic. But that's fine... Out of inspiration for now. Like some of suggestion, though.

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Here are a couple of suggestions

---------Accidentally hitting yourself----------
Hog1 is nominated for a Darwin Award!

---------Inflicting below 50 damage on an enemy----------
Hog1 humiliated Hog2

---------Inflicting above 50 damage on an enemy----------
Hog1 kicked Hog2's ass, but forgot the bubble gum

---------Killing an enemy via damage----------
Hog1 ousted Hog2 from the match

---------Killing an enemy via drowning----------
Hog1 pushed Hog2 into the drink

---------Killing yourself via drowning----------
Hog1 went into the drink
Hog1 went to Davey Jones' locker

---------Damaging a team member----------
Hog1 shows little respect for Hog2

---------Killing three hogs at once----------
Hog1 went for the discount

---------Killing four hogs at once----------
Killing Spree!

----------Killing five hogs at once----------

---------Timer runs out----------
Hog1 needs to buy a watch

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urandom allegedly wrote:
Hog1 kicked Hog2's ass, but forgot the bubble gum

kudos for the 'they live' reference Big Grin awesome movie!

Star and Moon
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I came up with a few

Example hog "Lynn"

A hog saved is a hog earned, including yourself, Lynn!
Lynn just emptied alot of RAM out of this computer!
guess the enemy had to R.I.P Lynn to shreds.
Justice is served Lynn! Goodbye!

Lynn is swimming upside down!
I keep telling you Lynn! The sea is made of water! W-A-T-E-R!
Lynn left his bazooka underwater!

Lynn has given the enemy a second chance!
Lynn needs to do his math!

Hurt Yourself
Call that a technical difficulty, Lynn?!
Lynn Uses himself as a training target!

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