Random quitting during network match

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bowlingotter's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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First off, just came across this game for the first time yesterday and am so happy that it exists.

Me and two co-workers have been enjoying playing this on the LAN yesterday and today... perfect for starting a game, taking a turn, and then pausing it so we don't get too distracted from our work. Smile

Problem is, inevitably and seemingly without reason, one of us ends up seemingly kicked out of the game before it's over while we still have characters left in play. It's strange because the game window would simply randomly close but you'd still be in the room, and anything typed into the chat box there would still show up in the game window of everyone else left. Your characters would remain in play and when it was your turn, there's nothing anyone could do because we couldn't find a way back into the game. It wasn't any one of our computers individually because it happened to each of us at some point in time. Is there a workaround for this? Is there maybe a shortcut I'm missing to re-open the game window?

Thanks, and again, great app. I'm spreading the word as best I can

DrDickens's picture
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Well. As you might have noticed the game consists of Frontend (that purple screen with configs) and engine. So when you alt+tab your HW make sure you don't close SDL_app acidentaly. Neither should you close Hedgewars 0.9.9. They should run simultanuosly (correct this spelling please). When you are trying to get bak to the game make sure you click on the SDL_app tab. I just don't want to belive we have yet another bug. And welcome. Hope you'll find HW more and more enjoyable.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

Josh's picture
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simultaneously Smile

Welcome to the community, bowlingotter, enjoy your stay.

bowlingotter's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks for the replies

It's actually engine that closes and the Frontend that stays open, and to the people who are still playing, it appears like I'm still in the game. Next time it happens I'll try re-launching the hwengine.exe app and see if that does it. I'll let you know if it works

Uriah's picture
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Hi there bowling,

Next time it happens, don't relaunch the game, close it down and provide us with debug0.txt
or copy and past the last 10 lines or so here.

If you're on windows you'll find this in \documents and settings\user\.hedgewars\
On linux you'll find it here ~/.hedgewars/debug0.txt

I've not heard of this bug before, but the info in debug0 could certainly help us out Smile

bowlingotter's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:

Hi there bowling,

Next time it happens, don't relaunch the game, close it down and provide us with debug0.txt
or copy and past the last 10 lines or so here.

If you're on windows you'll find this in \documents and settings\user\.hedgewars\
On linux you'll find it here ~/.hedgewars/debug0.txt

I've not heard of this bug before, but the info in debug0 could certainly help us out Smile

Hey guys,

Ok just jumped in to a 2 person network game on the LAN and one of the player's engine screen closed randomly again; it only took about a minute this time. I had him close the whole app and send me his debug0.txt file. Again, the engine window closes but the Frontend screen stays up but goes back to the chat room, though it keeps the player in the server as anything typed in the chat room shows up on the engine screen of everyone else in-game. We're going to try the game again now and try launching the hwengine.exe file when the engine closes.

In the meantime, here's the end of the debug0.txt file from the last person whose engine screen closed at random:

0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Enemydown.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Coward.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Hurry.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Watchit.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Kamikaze.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Ow1.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Ow4.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Firepunch1.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Firepunch2.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Firepunch3.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Firepunch4.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Firepunch5.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading C:/Program Files/Hedgewars 0.9.9/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Pirate/Firepunch6.ogg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Freeing progress surface...
0: CheckLandDigest: M{-4376959:-24319069:717759287:1564165422:-778869365}
0: IPC send: +
1: Delete: #10 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 15
640: Delete: #9 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 15
1607: IPC send: +
1999: Console write: Let's fight!
1999: Delete: #11 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 21
3262: IPC send: i
3262: IPC send: i
-= halt at 3450 ticks =-

bowlingotter's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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One other thing:

So far it has only happened while the game is paused and the engine screen is not in focus.

bowlingotter's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Just recreated the problem by myself by loading 2 teams into a network game off of my computer, and launching hwengine.exe did not fix the issue. Here's the debug when it happened on mine:

125559: AddGear: #299 (1475,694), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 3
125559: AddGear: #300 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 15
126200: Delete: #300 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 15
127060: Delete: #299 (1475,555), d(Shocking,-0.079999999841675_343597383) type = 3
127206: IPC send: +
128323: IPC send: i
128323: IPC send: i
129213: IPC send: +
129590: ParseCommand "/nextturn"
129590: IPC send: N
129590: Doing SwitchHedgehog: time 129590
129590: FreeActionsList called
129590: AddGear: #301 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 22
129590: Wind = -0.000184294767678_791540
129981: Delete: #301 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 22
131216: IPC send: +
133226: IPC send: +
133906: ParseCommand "ammomenu"
135226: IPC send: +
137231: IPC send: +
139241: IPC send: +
139923: ParseCommand "+attack"
139923: /+attack: Gear^.State = 2
139923: IPC send: A
140069: ParseCommand "-attack"
140069: IPC send: a
140069: AddGear: #302 (798,521), d(0.097999999998137_420906795,-Shocking) type = 2
140069: IPC send: a
140096: AddGear: #303 (800,521), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 9
140160: AddGear: #304 (806,523), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 9
140180: Explosion: at (807,524)
140180: AddGear: #305 (807,524), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 10
140180: Delete: #302 (807,524), d(-Shocking,-Shocking) type = 2
140616: Delete: #303 (759,505), d(-0.095833279192448_411600800,Shocking) type = 9
140637: Delete: #305 (807,524), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = 10
140680: Delete: #304 (765,507), d(-0.095833279192448_411600800,Shocking) type = 9
141243: IPC send: +
143244: IPC send: +
144279: ParseCommand "pause"
-= halt at 144279 ticks =-

DrDickens's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 52 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 316

144279: ParseCommand "pause"
-= halt at 144279 ticks =-

Your case is really strange. Also there shold de an option to disable smiles. This code looks too shoked. Did you try this any where else? Cause i tried to reproduce this bug and i failed. When i came back all hedges were killed by sudden death (about 40 min). No quitting.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

Josh's picture
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DrDickens. Press P to pause. It crashed when he left it pause; Sudden death shouldn't have been a possibility.

bowlingotter's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Josh allegedly wrote:

DrDickens. Press P to pause. It crashed when he left it pause; Sudden death shouldn't have been a possibility.

Exactly, we've only had it happen after leaving it paused for a little, but there never seemed to be any consistency as to how long it took. Sometimes it was 15 or 20 minutes, sometimes it was 1 or 2 minutes. But it always seems to happen eventually.

bowlingotter's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Actually, I just realized that it's not exclusive to the pause function. If you check the first debug I posted, no pause command was ever sent, and I just confirmed with my co-worker and the engine screen closed on him before he even had a chance to pause it

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