Easily moddable weapons

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Ape's picture
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There should be a way to mod the weapons. An easy scripting language would be nice. So you would be able to develop weapons quickly and easily change some basic parameters like damage.

DrDickens's picture
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No there should not. It's a multiplayer game and changing scripts is a sort of cheating. But if we look at this from another point, there could be modifiers that can be used in MP (2xdamage; storm; sticky ground, etc.)

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Josh's picture
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DrDickens is right on this one. If everyone can modify the weapons, nobody will have the same weapons cause conflict errors. It would break online play and also could make the game very biased.

Ape's picture
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Of course the host would send the weapons to the clients when they connect.

DrDickens's picture
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Ape allegedly wrote:
Of course the host would send the weapons to the clients when they connect.

I don't like that idea. If it keeps going that way, hosts will end up sending ALL the data to clients, so you won't even need to download teh game first.

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Uriah's picture
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Ape, first off I want to apologise for DrDickens and Josh's absolutely retarded reasoning when telling you they dislike your idea.

We've discussed having a server side scripting language to define custom weapons before. In the end we decided against it simply because we feel that a lot of the fun in this style of game is "mastering" the weapons, becoming a crack shot with the bazooka for instance.

Allowing hosts to modify the attributes of weapons on a game by game basis would detract from the idea of mastering a weapon, playing on servers with modified weapons will make mastering the default set difficult.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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Besides its an open source game you should be able to.

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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You should make it posible.

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Better not. In this case each and everyone can modify his weapons as he pleases to. Very unsportsmanlike (<- hope this is spelled right Big Grin). Modifying is available even now, but it's better to leave it only for single player mode.

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