Game Improvements

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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I just noticed a stuff that i dont like. Lets see:

1. Rope should be usable by pressing space once, not with a hold.

2. When you drop mine from the cliff/rope/etc, mine should stay at one possition (granade is a "moving stuff" with the same damage)

3. You should work on Hedgehogs random Placement when map starts, now is a chaos. Just look at the screens:

Right side: Lots of Hedgehogs, one of them stucked in a void.

Left Side: No Hedges.

4. A small, but also a huge problem - the shotgun and platform. In Worms, when u shoot under legs on the platform, worm should be dropped downstairs. In Hedgewars, Hedgehog is just pushed forward. Look at the screens:

I should drop down Hedgehog 0 with one shot.

Hedgehog 0 is just pushed forward.

5. Maps - generator should be way more attractive, with a possibility to generate closed maps (with roofs, without Napalm and Artillery strike)

6. What about Map Editor?

7. You should be able to choose weapon on parachute. Yes, simple Right Click (when flying on parachute -> Choose weapon (grenade/mine/dynamite) -> Enter to drop.

8. Double Enter Jump - a soft one - must be.

9. UFO weapon - should do smaller circles.

10. Voices - yea, some of them just doesnt work when you playing with music turned off. Dont remember which ones exacly, but there is more than 10 i guess.

11. Private Game (password protected) should be possible.

I know mu suggestion are Worms-like, but this is also a game worms-like, i could say its a copy with some changes. But trust me, everything that i told will improve gameplay hardly.

Greetings, xtc.

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xtc allegedly wrote:
I just noticed a stuff that i dont like. Lets see:

1. Rope should be usable by pressing space once, not with a hold.

2. When you drop mine from the cliff/rope/etc, mine should stay at one possition (granade is a "moving stuff" with the same damage)

3. You should work on Hedgehogs random Placement when map starts, now is a chaos. Just look at the screens:

Right side: Lots of Hedgehogs, one of them stucked in a void.

Left Side: No Hedges.

4. A small, but also a huge problem - the shotgun and platform. In Worms, when u shoot under legs on the platform, worm should be dropped downstairs. In Hedgewars, Hedgehog is just pushed forward. Look at the screens:

I should drop down Hedgehog 0 with one shot.

Hedgehog 0 is just pushed forward.

5. Maps - generator should be way more attractive, with a possibility to generate closed maps (with roofs, without Napalm and Artillery strike)

6. What about Map Editor?

7. You should be able to choose weapon on parachute. Yes, simple Right Click (when flying on parachute -> Choose weapon (grenade/mine/dynamite) -> Enter to drop.

8. Double Enter Jump - a soft one - must be.

9. UFO weapon - should do smaller circles.

10. Voices - yea, some of them just doesnt work when you playing with music turned off. Dont remember which ones exacly, but there is more than 10 i guess.

11. Private Game (password protected) should be possible.

I know mu suggestion are Worms-like, but this is also a game worms-like, i could say its a copy with some changes. But trust me, everything that i told will improve gameplay hardly.

Greetings, xtc.

Yes , in most things you are right , but it will be head to include most of the points .
6. What about Map Editor? Map is only a png 2048x1024 bit picture and a CFG that you can open with the Editor .

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7. You should be able to choose weapon on parachute. Yes, simple Right Click (when flying on parachute -> Choose weapon (grenade/mine/dynamite) -> Enter to drop.

you can

Now when we have drunk some beer let's go drive a car.

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Summary of suggestions:

"I don't like anything that isn't exactly the same as worms"

User offline. Last seen 5 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:

Summary of suggestions:

"I don't like anything that isn't exactly the same as worms"

Some of them are valid, such as the random placement bug, and the ability to have private games. I hate it when retarted people show up in a game with me and my friends.

The rest of the suggestions are either being worked on (which he could have found out if he tried), or are design decisions. I like the way I can roll mines down a slope, and I like the fact that the UFO can avoid obstacles. The soft jump exists (backspace) and the shotgun thing he'll find out when his skills improve.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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To zegenie: I know about 2x Backspace jump, but there should be another, smaller one with bigger distance (double enter). It just allows for more. If u played worms u know what i mean.

About shotgun - maybe, i tryed few times to drop someone from platform without a progress so, maybe they should polish it abit.

12. I forgot about one very important thing - model scalling - when u want to shoot Hedgehog with a shotgun or deagle, sometimes it just misses (in head for example). Very disturbing on long distances.

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xtc allegedly wrote:
If u played worms u know what i mean.

Point proven I think

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Well not always Wink Smiley It really bothers me when a hedgehog standing on a tiny line of ground, aims to another hedgehog that is under this "platform", the first one shoots with a shotgun directly through the tiny ground that separates them!?! As if the attacker has made a hole in the ground before he's given the deadly shot to his opponent, and put the shotgun in this hole in the platform...I've seen impossible shots because of this "bug".

While writing this, I realize that the suggestion with the hole and the shotgun put in it (like in a bunker Big Grin) is not just an idea but fact Big Grin Because of the long mouth of the shotgun it really looks like that.

And last one - please make the shotgun more realistic. I'm don't want to point at Worms again, but I just must do that. When you shoot the ground or a hedgehog from a very very short distance (like the mouth of the shotgun is almost in your opponent's arse!), it's normal for the shooter to take damage too because of the bloody distance! If you shoot a concrete wall from 1-2 centimeters with a shotgun, I'm sure you will get hurt too. Or not?

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

User offline. Last seen 15 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:
xtc allegedly wrote:
If u played worms u know what i mean.

Point proven I think

Hey, i dont know where u going. This game is a pure copy of worms, everything is near the same (taste, graphics, voices, weapons, keybuttons, menus, everything) and u are blocking suggested game improvements that would make this game more playable and user friendly.

Another bug - dunno if someone reported this - fire makes heavy lag ingame.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Please note that this game is far from being complete and the goal is not to be an exact copy of team17's game. None of the artwork is derived from theirs.

I appreciate your suggestions but currently I am busy implementing a giant ROBO-DINOSAUR monster.

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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sorry,. but I must say that I think that worms is the perfection...

another thing can be the "not painful" switch from Worms (only windows) to Hedgewars... Gameplay should be the same...

example someting happen (now not):

oh, I remember that this weapon leave more damage... oh i remember this weapon move more our objective... oh i Remember this weapon make a bigger hole...

User offline. Last seen 15 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Yea phisics are far other than Worms, especialy pushing hedgehogs from cliffs with damage and rope, making holes. Roperuns are also terrible. If it will be more worms-like with many more features, new weapons it will be even better coz team17 forgot about old good worms. Im looking forward to see faster ropes + good map editor in Hedgewars and play some WxW or shoppa ;s

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Yeah because like, all 12 people left that play those hardcore worms gamemodes are really who I'm looking to aim the game at.

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xtc allegedly wrote:
I just noticed a stuff that i dont like. Lets see:

1. Rope should be usable by pressing space once, not with a hold.

It's nice to be able to let go if you realise you have aimed wide, rather than wait for the rope to fully extend. I personally have no problem with this.

xtc allegedly wrote:
2. When you drop mine from the cliff/rope/etc, mine should stay at one possition (granade is a "moving stuff" with the same damage)

Anything you drop or throw that doesn't explode on impact should roll, bounce, whatever... unless it's a lump of clay which I agree could just land with a splodge and stop in place.

xtc allegedly wrote:
3. You should work on Hedgehogs random Placement when map starts, now is a chaos. Just look at the screens:

Well, it wouldn't be "random" if there was any logic applied, but I agree that if there was a way to make it random-within-reason then this could be nice.

xtc allegedly wrote:
4. A small, but also a huge problem - the shotgun and platform. In Worms, when u shoot under legs on the platform, worm should be dropped downstairs. In Hedgewars, Hedgehog is just pushed forward. Look at the screens:

There's no reason for this to be the same as Worms, you could argue either way as to the correct behaviour. If it were implemented a bit more "truthfully" the shotgun should be purely an anti-personnel weapon and it's small pellets would not damage the landscape at all. After a bit of practice you will choose to use the shotgun or not depending on the situation.

xtc allegedly wrote:
5. Maps - generator should be way more attractive, with a possibility to generate closed maps (with roofs, without Napalm and Artillery strike)

Closed maps are coming, but really dude stop making demands! Suggestions are welcome but your wording is like someone who has paid a lot of money for something and is not getting what the salesman quoted.

xtc allegedly wrote:
6. What about Map Editor?

Try Photoshop or the Gimp. You could maybe suggest some support for adding/disabling installed maps and transferring them across the network so they can be shared with people you play with.

xtc allegedly wrote:
7. You should be able to choose weapon on parachute. Yes, simple Right Click (when flying on parachute -> Choose weapon (grenade/mine/dynamite) -> Enter to drop.

Pretty sure you can do that

xtc allegedly wrote:
8. Double Enter Jump - a soft one - must be.

Wasn't that a backflip in Worms?

xtc allegedly wrote:
9. UFO weapon - should do smaller circles.

Maybe suggest an option (like the timer on grenades) where you can select the UFO turning radius? Could be a laugh.

xtc allegedly wrote:
10. Voices - yea, some of them just doesnt work when you playing with music turned off. Dont remember which ones exacly, but there is more than 10 i guess.

Not sure what you mean here

xtc allegedly wrote:
11. Private Game (password protected) should be possible.

I agree in principal - but at the moment I think there are so few servers that we should really try not to be exclusive. If you really want a private game, then maybe just calling it [private] or something would be sufficient, and if people join explain the situation politely. It's a fair suggestion, but again, stating that something "should" be something is not the way to go here.

xtc allegedly wrote:
I know mu suggestion are Worms-like, but this is also a game worms-like, i could say its a copy with some changes. But trust me, everything that i told will improve gameplay hardly.

It is Worms-like, nobody will deny that Smile Worms was a classic, so why not copy the concept? But despite that it is still not actually Worms, so you have to be prepared for some differences. This is also a work in progress, so we have to have a little bit of patience.

Not everybody can be pleased, some changes that you suggest may please a few people, but may annoy many more - so suggest away, but don't expect everything you say to be implemented if your only argument is "that's how it was in Worms".


User offline. Last seen 15 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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You are right in the most, but, i just posted my feelings after few games. I loved worms so i told about things that are high lighted in my oppinion and why not to implement it to hedgewars, it doesnt even change gameplay, just polish abit. And ofcourse im not a guy who want everything, dont take everything i told very seriously, english is not my national language and im not clearly enought, sorry Wink Smiley


2 - I didnt mean about long distance drop. Its like, staying around hedgehog, droping mine, and that mine going down. It should stay at first position. Annoying.

8 - 2xBackspace for high backflip, 2xEnter for a Back jump (1/3 of standard jup distance or soething)

10 - forget, i found in Approved Suggestion Topic line about this one.


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