xtc's suggestion pack

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Weapons and more:

Firewall (?) - shots a bullet in a target direction (or places special mine). Bullet explodes with contact and makes a firewall http://xtc2000.pmail.pl/w3image/fire.JPG

Waterthrower - (vide fireman) Throws a stream of water for 5 seconds in a target direction (can be changed while throwing) pushing everything on line forward (hedgehogs, mines). Doesnt
make a damage.

Kick - kicks nearest hedgehog(s) for a very low distance

First Aid - heals hedgehog when used.

Swap - swaps position with target hedgehog (ally or foe)

Poison shot - poisons nearest hedgehog with a syringe (losing 5HP each turn)


I was thinking about powerups in hedgewars. What do i mean - each few turns somewhere on the map will be powerup. It could be little secret, so there would be no special sound or camera
bind with this, so player should take care about whole map when starts his turn. Powerups may be the good ones, and the bad ones with a percent chance something like 70% for good,and 30% for bad one. Dont know how it would go with hedgewars, but i guess its another original idea.

Example powerups:
Good ones: Extra time, double damage, global heal (heals every ally hedgehog on the map by 25HP), Immortal suit (doesnt take damage for current turn/no fall damage), invicibility (end with your next turn).
Bad ones: Sleep (u going to sleep in current turn), Half damage (making half damage with weapons this turn), Poison (poisons for a 5HP each turn).


What about ladder in hedgewars? That means players have to register ingame so account system would be needed. But it makes game way more attractive. Competition is the most powerfull thing in online games.
Example: Special room for ladder ingame. After each game system would count player's statistics (win/lose/draw) and then on the www, or somewhere would be a ladder with announce of Top5. Additional ingame chat commands for players statistics ( /stats ) may be cool too.

Friend system:

What about friend system? A simple command ( /add or /remove ) when u want to add someone to your friend list, and game will announce that your friend is online/offline, and game he joins/leaves. The announcement would be on chat or ingame, upper-left corner.

Chat commands:

/ann - announces something on lobby chat (main)
/w - whisper to someone (dont know if there is something like that)
/wf - whisper to all your friends
/fi (friend info) - shows information about your friends (online/offline/last seen)

I will add some more when u like it. Discuss please.


DrDickens's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Man, you've done a grat deal making all theese suggestions!

My summary:

*) Didn't understand firewall at all, sorry.

*) Waterthrower sounds really great (it can be a windblower too btw, and wind has less parcticles, so it's easier to make).

*) Kick is not needed, since there's an Indiana Jones Rope (looks like a worms prod alternative).

*) Won't comment medkit. Have nothing wise to say. IMO looks useless.

*) Swapping can be really useful, even if you can swap your hedges only.

*) There were loads of suggestions like that. I'm sure there will be poison one day.

*) I was ought to suggest smthg like this too. Especially bad'n'nasty "powerups". And i think they should look like simple weapons crates. Bring some russian roulette in the game, lol.

*) You played CS too much, lol. But despite my hatred of stats, there will be one for sure.

*) Friend system sounds good. I don't see any use of it to me (I don't have any friends Sad Smiley ), but others will for sure.

*) Chat commands could be put some work into. Especially ann. I think it will be useful to have a command to spam every room (e.g. i just want to know in which room Josh is, so i "/ann Where are you, nasty cocklover?"

I hope none offence taken.

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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I didnt play CS that much, trust me, i dont like CS. Ladder is like bread in world of online games, makes something, that people want to be at the top, and they want to do everything to win a game. Another place to play a good game if someone is not a casual gamer and he searching for better opponent. Ofcourse it is based on amount of players in Hedgewars.

About firewall - dont know why, but there should more text that i did in notepad (probably tags >< dont work). I thought about a firewall lasting for 3 turns (or till make some damage). Something like petrol bomb, but different (screenshot). There is no weapon like that in hedgewars. It could block enemy somewhere, as it could damage in fissure. Dunno, with polshment could be usefull i guess.

"I hope none offence taken"

Ofcourse not, lol Smile

Thanx for comment.

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Ladder is like bread in world of online games, makes something, that people want to be at the top, and they want to do everything to win a game.

Including cheating. I'm not good at that shit (though i created trainers for minesweeper and solitaire just for fun), but there are lots of faggots that can cheat everywhere. Despite Uncorr says it's impossible.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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I believe cheting is impossible in this game unless you were to possibly make you team appear as a player based team but really its an expert CPU. Issue: CPU are shit.

xtc allegedly wrote:
"I hope none offence taken"

Ofcourse not, lol Smile

That was so directed at me. "Nasty cocklover" -- ffs >_<
I'm not nasty! Wink Smiley

xtc: I like most of these suggestions, they're really good. The firewall is awesome, it'd be like temporarily blocking someone in a hole with a girder that does damage.
I also agree with some form of statistics system and online leaderboard.

Also, the First Aid would be great, this could have saved me many times... ¬_¬

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