Hmm the wight of Battleground

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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Many times we player with 4 Teams an a "Generated Map"
the Battlegrount (not the Map with the Water) is too small

A funktion for a Generated Map that 15% wight the Battleground for every Team that would play was ok i think.

I mean the Map (water wight) is biiig but the Battleground where we spawn is 90% of the time by generated Maps only 20% wight of the whole map.

I hope anyone understand what i say

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I hope anyone understand what i say

I nearly did. Now i need some time to gather shit together.

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You mean some of generated maps are not capable to carry 16 hogs?

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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This is now with 5 Teams

but this is too small land.

so its ok:

And for the teams at generatet maps


3 Teams

4 Teams

5 Teams

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Sheesh. Янихуянипонял.jpg we'll have to wait for someone who's IQ is over 9000.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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0.9.10 will have the option to generate larger maps, capable of holding over 40 hedgehogs.

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Seradest, sorry no one answered your thread (except Tiyuri The Wizard), but next time better draw some picture with Paint or something - it's faster and every one will get your idea Wink Smiley

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ok ok hmm but i can only make it at weekend when my time is larger at now ^^

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Np. Well, thanks to The Wizard, I got your idea. Hope problem's solved Smile But next time... Wink Smiley

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A game like that would take all day to play. Sounds fun Big Grin

Tiyuri allegedly wrote:

0.9.10 will have the option to generate larger maps, capable of holding over 40 hedgehogs.

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