Massive Destruction Weapons

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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You know, the kind of things who usually "Blow the shit out in a second"!

Hedgewars lacks of this sort of weapons.

The point of this topic is to make suggestions of MDWs.

Here is my own:

The Tornado Canon allegedly wrote:

-Shoot a missile in the air (assuming that the path to the surface is clean). If the shell hit something, it will do as much damage as a normal bazooka missile would.

-Nothing happens immediately after.

-At the beginning of each cycle (right before the red team turn), the tornado have 50% of chances to start. So you have to hide as much hedgehogs as you can underground, as quickly as you can (you can also do that *before* to use the tornado canon).

-When the tornado start, a random longitudinal point ("L") is defined by the game engine. The tornado is constituted of five columns who extend themselves from the ground to the top of the screen. The middle one will be situated right on this "L" point.

-Then, the tornado start to get deeper into the ground, sending everything it touches into the air (Including hedgehogs and crates).

-When the tornado reaches the water, it changes of color and dissipate itself.

-But what goes up got to come down... So everything who has been caught by the tornado will rain for like ten seconds.

-And then, the next turn will start!

Is it complete enough for you?

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Uh. It's too complicated. I'd prefer that old yellow plane carrying nukes on board. But i do want some MDW.

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Well, it looks complicated....

But I added some (a *lot* of) details for the developers.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Or we could simply make it works the same way that the donkey thigny, which I forgot the name.

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I'm dying for a rubber bomb

User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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You mean the same kind that Wormux?

A bouncing bomb?

User offline. Last seen 15 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Uh? Even more bouncy than the normal weapons already are? Shocking

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Mix of concret donkey and Armageddon.

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