Preview: Another simple map, Thunderstruck

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Zept's picture
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Hey again

Here's another simple map, while I finish some bigger ones. Personally I find this map more fun to play and more strategical, than the first one I posted. It's a little bigger as well.

I know that the perspective is a little messed up, and that it's very empty. I'll see what I can do about the latter, since messed up perspective isn't that devastating to this kind of map, I think.

Here's a screenshot:

Also, I don't know what theme fits the map best.

The next maps will probably be a Guitar/Music map and a Kitchen map.


EDIT: I should probably make the shadow on the clouds a little darker as well

unC0Rr's picture
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Big Grin Smile Big Grin

Josh's picture
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Nice, keep it up!

harmless911's picture
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Link for download?

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