Error: Bad command, state or incorrect parameter (0.9.9)

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User offline. Last seen 2 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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First of all, hedgewars is a great game, I like it a lot.
Anyway, I was trying to set up a lan game so I could play with my daughter (who loves them hedgehogs), but hedgewars 0.9.9 keeps saying

'Error: Bad command, state or incorrect parameter'

Any ideas?


DrDickens's picture
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Post here your OS, video card vendor and a debug log, that can be found in /.hedgewars folder in linux (in the linux user settings folder i don't remember) or .hedgewars folder in %drive_letter\documents and setting\%username%\.hedgewars
The debuglog is called debug0.txt This could help determing the problem.

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It's game server message, and probably shouldn't harm game process if it's seen once or twice

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Question: is your daughter near you? Because up to 5 teams (human/ai/human&ai) can play on one computer. So if she's around, make a local multiplayer game and set 2 teams for the map, both human.

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User offline. Last seen 2 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all,

it was my own fault - I did not set any net play nickname, that was the sole reason.

Thank you!

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I knew my answer would be useless...Sad Smiley

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