Is hedgewars graphically intensive?

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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How demanding are the hedgewars graphics on the video hardware? My video card's temperature goes to 95C within minutes of playtime, and I'm guessing it's a hardware issue rather than the game being very demanding, but I'd like a confirmation on the later Smile

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It uses rather large textures, but very very few cards should reach 95C under HEAVY load (think crysis), so it's a hardware issue regardless.

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As a matter of fact, 95ºC is within normal range for certain cards, such as Ati 9600/9800 XT and a few high-end Nvidia. You should check your card's manual.

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I wouldn't call it normal. It's not a dangerous level, under full load, on a very very high end card. But it would concern me if my card was reaching that temperature under any circumstances, let alone running hedgewars

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