Проблемы с режимом "Схватка"

9 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 17 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 6

Привет. Сперва хотел бы поблагодарить разработчиков за отличнун проделаннун работу. Под линукс не так уж много хороших игр, и Хеджворс - одна из лучших, имхо. Так держать!

Теперь по существу.
Нажиман кнопку "Схватка", формирун пару команд, начинан игру - загружается карта и почти сразу же выбрасывает из неё назад в менн выбора списка команд для игры. Причем по-ходу что-то перекашивается в иксах - курсор перестает шевелиться, спасает только перезапуск икс-сервера.
После падения в консоли есть сообщение
QObject::connect: Cannot connect QSvgRenderer::repaintNeeded() to (null)::update()

Система: Ubuntu 6.10 64-битная (2.6.17), X.org 7.1.1
собирал из исходников.
gcc 4.1.2

User offline. Last seen 14 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2006-11-27
Posts: 29

QObject::connect: Cannot connect QSvgRenderer::repaintNeeded() to (null)::update() - это нормально, не нужно на это обращать внимание.

Проблема, судя по всему с движком, поэтому отловить её будет сложно, но предварительно сразу интересна следунщая информация - работает ли вообще игра какая -нибудь, например Simple game, как игра была скомпилирована, версии Qt, freepascal, SDL, SDL_ttf, freetype etc по зависимостям. Если падение происходит только в схватке - то какая конфигурация команд задаётся. В общем максимум полезной информации.

User offline. Last seen 17 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 6

Проблема возникает только в режиме "схватка". В "быстрой игре" все нормально. Создавал две команды: одну под управлением человека (для себя), другун - для компа. Вылет происходит стабильно.

Компилировал CMake-ом.
По версиям библиотек отпишусь вечером, но в общем можно посмотреть тут: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/libdevel/ (я практически не пользунсь сторонними репозиториями, так что инфа должна быть верной).

User offline. Last seen 17 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 6

gcc 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease)
freepascal v 2.0.0 (2006/10/22)
libsdl-ttf 2.0.8
libsdl-net 1.2.5
libsdl-mixer 1.2.6
libsdl-image 1.2.5
libsdlgfx 2.0.13
libqt4 4.2.0
libfreetype 2.2.1

User offline. Last seen 14 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2006-11-27
Posts: 29

Можно попробовать наложить следунщий патч:


И затем после вылета просмотреть содержимое debug0.txt в директории, откуда запускалась игра.

User offline. Last seen 17 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 6

0: Console write: -= HedgeWars 0.9 =-
0: Console write: -= by unC0Rr =-
0: Prefix: "./"
0: 0: /usr/local/bin/hwengine
0: 1: 1280
0: 2: 1024
0: 3: 16
0: 4: 58143
0: 5: 1
0: 6: 1
0: 7: ru.txt
0: 8: 128
0: 9: 8
0: 10: /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data
0: 11: 0
0: AddGear: (-1280,-140), d(-0.029642230598256,0.015727840131149)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (-740,-140), d(-0.042897280771285,-0.013173247454688)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (-200,-140), d(0.031178184552118,0.014688411494717)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (340,-140), d(0.014876730041578,-0.018376594642177)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (880,-140), d(-0.013632814632729,0.010751622496173)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (1420,-140), d(-0.040608436102048,-0.012933423509821)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (1960,-140), d(-0.019639239413664,0.018883949145675)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (2500,-140), d(0.016869807848707,-0.006306939292699)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (3040,-140), d(0.018412076635286,0.017489297315478)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: AddGear: (3580,-140), d(-0.007017538649961,-0.018050181912258)
0: AddGear: type = 0
0: Console write: Init SDL...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Init SDL_ttf...
0: Console write: ok
0: ParseCommand "fullscr 1"
0: SDL video driver: x11
0: Console write: Init SDL_Net...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Establishing IPC connection...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Getting game config...
0: IPC send: C
0: IPC send: ?
0: ParseCommand "seed 35e7132b-946a-4f61-9054-1febcc02a23c"
0: ParseCommand "$gmflags 0"
0: ParseCommand "$turntime 45000"
0: ParseCommand "theme wood"
0: ParseCommand "addteam"
0: ParseCommand "ammstore 939192942219121033"
0: ParseCommand "color 65280"
0: ParseCommand "name team Доны"
0: ParseCommand "name hh0 Дон Капоне"
0: ParseCommand "name hh1 Дон Карлеоне"
0: ParseCommand "name hh2 Дон Таталья"
0: ParseCommand "name hh3 Дон Барзини"
0: ParseCommand "grave Bone"
0: ParseCommand "fort Barrelhouse"
0: ParseCommand "bind up +up"
0: ParseCommand "bind left +left"
0: ParseCommand "bind right +right"
0: ParseCommand "bind down +down"
0: ParseCommand "bind return ljump"
0: ParseCommand "bind backspace hjump"
0: ParseCommand "bind space +attack"
0: ParseCommand "bind mousel put"
0: ParseCommand "bind tab switch"
0: ParseCommand "bind h findhh"
0: ParseCommand "bind mouser ammomenu"
0: ParseCommand "bind f1 slot 1"
0: ParseCommand "bind f2 slot 2"
0: ParseCommand "bind f3 slot 3"
0: ParseCommand "bind f4 slot 4"
0: ParseCommand "bind f5 slot 5"
0: ParseCommand "bind f6 slot 6"
0: ParseCommand "bind f7 slot 7"
0: ParseCommand "bind f8 slot 8"
0: ParseCommand "bind f9 slot 9"
0: ParseCommand "bind 1 timer 1"
0: ParseCommand "bind 2 timer 2"
0: ParseCommand "bind 3 timer 3"
0: ParseCommand "bind 4 timer 4"
0: ParseCommand "bind 5 timer 5"
0: ParseCommand "bind p pause"
0: ParseCommand "bind 9 +voldown"
0: ParseCommand "bind 0 +volup"
0: ParseCommand "bind f fullscr"
0: ParseCommand "bind c capture"
0: ParseCommand "bind escape quit"
0: ParseCommand "addhh 1 100"
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 2
0: ParseCommand "addhh 1 100"
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 2
0: ParseCommand "addhh 1 100"
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 2
0: ParseCommand "addhh 1 100"
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 2
0: ParseCommand "addteam"
0: ParseCommand "ammstore 939192942219121033"
0: ParseCommand "color 65535"
0: ParseCommand "name team Кин-Дза-Дза"
0: ParseCommand "name hh0 Дядя Вова"
0: ParseCommand "name hh1 Скрипач"
0: ParseCommand "name hh2 Уэф"
0: ParseCommand "name hh3 Би"
0: ParseCommand "grave Rip"
0: ParseCommand "fort Barrelhouse"
0: ParseCommand "bind up +up"
0: ParseCommand "bind left +left"
0: ParseCommand "bind right +right"
0: ParseCommand "bind down +down"
0: ParseCommand "bind return ljump"
0: ParseCommand "bind backspace hjump"
0: ParseCommand "bind space +attack"
0: ParseCommand "bind mousel put"
0: ParseCommand "bind tab switch"
0: ParseCommand "bind h findhh"
0: ParseCommand "bind mouser ammomenu"
0: ParseCommand "bind f1 slot 1"
0: ParseCommand "bind f2 slot 2"
0: ParseCommand "bind f3 slot 3"
0: ParseCommand "bind f4 slot 4"
0: ParseCommand "bind f5 slot 5"
0: ParseCommand "bind f6 slot 6"
0: ParseCommand "bind f7 slot 7"
0: ParseCommand "bind f8 slot 8"
0: ParseCommand "bind f9 slot 9"
0: ParseCommand "bind 1 timer 1"
0: ParseCommand "bind 2 timer 2"
0: ParseCommand "bind 3 timer 3"
0: ParseCommand "bind 4 timer 4"
0: ParseCommand "bind 5 timer 5"
0: ParseCommand "bind p pause"
0: ParseCommand "bind 9 +voldown"
0: ParseCommand "bind 0 +volup"
0: ParseCommand "bind f fullscr"
0: ParseCommand "bind c capture"
0: ParseCommand "bind escape quit"
0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100"
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 2
0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100"
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 2
0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100"
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 2
0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100"
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 2
0: Ping? Pong!
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 16
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 16
0: Console write: Init sound...
0: Console write: failed
0: Console write: Generating land...
0: Console write: Loading progress sprite:
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/BigDigits...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/LandTex...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/Border...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Girder...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Girder...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Girder...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Reading objects info...
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/tree...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/gr1...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/leaf1...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/leaf2...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Adding theme objects...
0: Console write: Generating collision info...
0: Console write: (2)
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Generating collision info...
0: Console write: (2)
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Generating collision info...
0: Console write: (2)
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Generating collision info...
0: Console write: (2)
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Adding spray objects...
0: CheckLandDigest: M-925654106:-1167428717:866241438:145234584:-559753569
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1693,779)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1381,421)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (585,276)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1588,212)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (553,959)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (498,764)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (628,669)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1392,285)
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 22
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 12
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (853,291)
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 12
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (684,459)
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 12
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (286,379)
0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
0: AddGear: type = 12
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1828,796)
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: LandSurface tuning...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/theme.cfg
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Console...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/PowerBar...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/thinking...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/WindBar...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/WindL...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/WindR...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/RopeNode...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Crosshair...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Graves/Rip...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Graves/Bone...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/BlueWater...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/Clouds...
0: Console write: failed
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Clouds...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Bomb...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/BigDigits...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Frame...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Lag...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Arrow...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Grenade...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Targetp...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/UFO...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/SmokeTrace...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/RopeHook...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Expl50...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/MineOff...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/MineOn...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Case...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/FirstAid...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/dynamite...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Power...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/ClBomb...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/ClParticle...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Flame...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/horizont...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/wood/Sky...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/BrdrLines...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/AmmoName...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/SlotKeys...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/Selection...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Finger...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AirBomb...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Airplane...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/amAirplane...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/amGirder...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Freeing progress surface...
0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog...
0: Console write: ok
1: DeleteGear
640: DeleteGear
1887: IPC send: +
1999: Console write: Вперёд к победе!
1999: DeleteGear
3503: ParseCommand "/nextturn"
3503: IPC send: N
3503: Doing SwitchHedgehog: time 3503
3503: FreeActionsList called
3503: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
3503: AddGear: type = 23
3503: Wind = 0.000090746674687
3554: Enter Think Thread
-= halt at 3554 ticks =-

Когда накладывал патч столкнулся с проблемой - он не мог найти файлы для редактирования, так что пришлось указывать их вручнун. Может я что не так делал?
patch -p1 < <имя_патча>

User offline. Last seen 14 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2006-11-27
Posts: 29

patch -p0

User offline. Last seen 16 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2006-12-03
Posts: 12

dees allegedly wrote:
Проблема возникает только в режиме "схватка". В "быстрой игре" все нормально. Создавал две команды: одну под управлением человека (для себя), другун - для компа. Вылет происходит стабильно.

Компилировал CMake-ом.
По версиям библиотек отпишусь вечером, но в общем можно посмотреть тут: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/libdevel/ (я практически не пользунсь сторонними репозиториями, так что инфа должна быть верной).

а исходники где брали?

PS: есть же пакеты для Debian, возьмите и пересоберите с ними этой проблемы нет

User offline. Last seen 17 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 6

С вашего сайта и брал.
Я кстати неделн назад мигрировал на Debian/testing (AMD-64)
Проблема сохранилась...

User offline. Last seen 16 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2006-12-03
Posts: 12

пусти под gdb посмотри на чем мрет

можно под strace еще пустить и тоже лог снда.

что-то странное

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