how to build hedgewars on Windows XP?

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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I want to modify the game

I have downloaded the source files
but I don't know how to build it

can anyone help me?

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Why would someone want to modify HW? Anyways. YOu can use CygWin to emulate linux. That's all i know.

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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DrDickens allegedly wrote:

Why would someone want to modify HW? Anyways. YOu can use CygWin to emulate linux. That's all i know.

Just for fun...

I want to build win32 version
so emulating linux is not enough

User offline. Last seen 15 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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you can download freepascal. Thats the programming-language. You can open the files, but how to compile with it... Thats another question Big Grin


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User offline. Last seen 6 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Well. You can use MinGW or Cigwin to cross compile it and wrap the application to windows, no emulation required.

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