Added more smileys

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Uriah's picture
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unC0Rr's picture
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I want smileys with hedgehogs looking left. And they refuse to work in Opera btw =\ Same way as buttons on right side of home page did

rbaleksandar's picture
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unC0Rr allegedly wrote:

I want smileys with hedgehogs looking left. And they refuse to work in Opera btw =\ Same way as buttons on right side of home page did

I'm using Opera and it works Smile Buttons AND smileys.

PS:Wow, have just noticed how many hats there are as smileys. Great work Smile


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Uriah's picture
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Uriah's picture
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unC0Rr allegedly wrote:

I want smileys with hedgehogs looking left. And they refuse to work in Opera btw =\ Same way as buttons on right side of home page did

Not just in opera, having same problem in firefox, I can post smileys by clicking "show all" and posting them from that box. But I don't know why they're suddenly broken, looks like a drupal bug.. I just added smileys through the regular interface, so there's not really anything to mess up.

Looks like we'll need socketbind for this one

User offline. Last seen 6 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Doesn't work in Safari 4 beta either. Aghh
Textual ones and the show all trick work fine though.

ordago's picture
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I have no problem in Firefox and ubuntu.
Look at the url, hehe. Big Grin Big Grin

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