strange background in freeway theme

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daimadoshi85's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi guys, I think that there's something strange with freeway theme, I made a screenshot to show you what:

Can you see that strange grey pixels in the background?I don't think it's normal, but I never had this problems since I play hedgewars (a couple of years)

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unC0Rr's picture
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Looks like videodriver issue... or... hmm... png decode failed? Looks really weird, because only alphablended parts are abnormal Annoyed

daimadoshi85's picture
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But it's a problem only for freeway!Don't know, now I'll try to reinstall ati drivers.
Can debug log be useful?

EDIT: I tried ati driver 8.11 , 9.1 and 9.2!The issue comes since 9.1, tried 9.2 and it comes again. So I think that I will reinstall 8.11 and wait for new drivers

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unC0Rr's picture
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No, debug log won't be useful for texture problems

Mr.L's picture
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i had the same problem with the theme "nature" see:

i found out a "workaround":
open the backgroundimage (Data/Themes/nature¹/Sky.png) with GIMP (or equivalent)
¹ the theme which is faulty

make a copy of the layer (see screenshot (1) )
delete the old background-layer (see screenshot (2))
save the image as PNG with default options.


nemo's picture
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Mr. L, could you link me to both working and not-working versions of the PNG?

I'd like to browse them in identify --verbose and similar, to look for clues.

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Mr.L's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

Mr. L, could you link me to both working and not-working versions of the PNG?

I'd like to browse them in identify --verbose and similar, to look for clues.

working version:

non-working version:
(the one that comes with hedgewars)

nemo's picture
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There were a number of differences between the two.
Does, say, the Freeway theme work ok?
Looking to narrow down key diffs.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Mr.L's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

There were a number of differences between the two.
Does, say, the Freeway theme work ok?
Looking to narrow down key diffs.

i have a Ati-graphicscard and the problem just occured with "nature". all the other themes work well.
same error with nature here:
maybe we have the same/a similar card.

so far...

User offline. Last seen 12 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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I have only this problem in the training map in MP i havent Shocking

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