hogs as weapons

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Take a simple case of a hedgehog falling off a cliff and hitting another hog underneath so hard, that the health of the fallen hog is reduced. Why doesn't the hog that was underneath the falling hog take any damage? Not only should it take damage from the fall, but it should take double the damage that the falling hog received.

The rationale for this is that the 'cushion' hog receives the same force that the falling hog would receive when hitting a wall. But not only that, the falling hog is a HEDGEhog, it has spikes. So not only should it sustain damage from the falling object, but also from its spikes, thus the double damage.

User offline. Last seen 6 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
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That is a good question. The 'cushion' hog should recieve at least the same damage as the falling hedgehog. We should see what the devs think.

rbaleksandar's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Double dmg taken by the dude below...That's too much. Maybe 1/2 or max. 100% of what the falling hedgehog gets will be fair enough. If it's more...Well, you won't need any weapons Big Grin Dunno how's with the new LARGE maps and if one can loose 50HP from a fall (very possible since in 0.9.9 I've lost once or twice between 30-40HP), but if it can, that'll mean in case of hitting a dude below the 'cushion'-hedgehog will loose 100HP, which by default settings is 100% of its health.

PS: Yes, it has spikes but what if it fells on its face/tummy? Big Grin

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
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Yay. Totally agree. At first i even thought that hog actually takes some dmg from falling one. No, not double. Maybe make it rnd(dmg*0.25, dmg*0.4)

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