More servers

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Thought id bring something up about the internet games, there good but there's never more than 5 or six people online. I think there needs to be more people online or at least an easily navigated server ect.

any ideas please topic.

rbaleksandar's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Server design will be changed thoroughly as Tiyuri (or nemo or unC0Rr) mentioned. About the number of people - well here you can't change anything Smile If people want to play online, they simply play online. You can't force them. Wink Smiley The title of your topic confuses me. You say that there are too few people playing online and yet you want more servers. Shocking Smile

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