What's next
Wed, 2009-04-15 11:46 — Uriah
Well I'm here to share with you our latest set of plans for Hedgewars.
0.9.10, like most major releases, contains some irritating bugs. The bug's aren't critical, but we want to stamp them out before 0.9.11.
Because we want to run a second tournament on 0.9.10. This tournament will be a 2v2 tournament, and will run similarly to the first. Again there may be real world prizes for winning.
So, In order to get a release out before 0.9.11, in perperation for the tournament, we're working on a small 0.9.10.....5? release, this release will contain a few things.
We're going to implement a new weapon. This won't be the one on the home page vote, that will come in 0.9.11. But it will be a fun one all the same.
We're also going to implement a new utility, the "vampire" utility. Any damage you do in your next turn, heals your hedgehog by the same amount.
To go with this utility, there will be two new game modifiers, which we are currently calling Vampire and Empathy. Vampire will be the same as the utility just described, but it will be a global effect that lasts the entire game. Empathy is quite different, any damage you do to hedgehogs.. you will also recieve that damage yourself! Meaning your aim is to knock enemy hogs into the water whilst doing as little damage as possible, or you might end up blowing yourself up!
Apart from this, here is the list of bugs I've identified in 0.9.10 so far, that we hope to fix for 0.9.11
* Netgame hangs when one player leaves game sometimes
* Server crashes related to account integration
* Buffer errors occur sometimes
* Include files excluded from some release packages due to cmakelist
* Sync error in multiplayer lobby, some players not seeing selected predifined map, having to switch to generated map + back to make everyone see it
* under some circumstances (seems room being destroyed whilst playing is one) being returned to lobby causes game list to show incorrect data, refresh does nothing, only rejoining works.. is connection to lobby actually terminated?
* under some circumstances, closing a single player game generates an incorrect state error message, it doesn't actually cause any problems but it's annoying. I think it might be to do with leaving the multiplayer lobby then going into single player. Restarting frontend fixes it.
If anyone has found or discovered any other bugs, I'd appreciate them posting a comment on this news post to inform us!
Anyway those are our plans, more details on the next tournament soon.
I wonder who's going to take out Me and unC0Rr :)
Also, I've found proof that not upgrading hedgewars is the work of Satan himself, so upgrade!

0.9.10, like most major releases, contains some irritating bugs. The bug's aren't critical, but we want to stamp them out before 0.9.11.
Because we want to run a second tournament on 0.9.10. This tournament will be a 2v2 tournament, and will run similarly to the first. Again there may be real world prizes for winning.
So, In order to get a release out before 0.9.11, in perperation for the tournament, we're working on a small 0.9.10.....5? release, this release will contain a few things.
We're going to implement a new weapon. This won't be the one on the home page vote, that will come in 0.9.11. But it will be a fun one all the same.
We're also going to implement a new utility, the "vampire" utility. Any damage you do in your next turn, heals your hedgehog by the same amount.
To go with this utility, there will be two new game modifiers, which we are currently calling Vampire and Empathy. Vampire will be the same as the utility just described, but it will be a global effect that lasts the entire game. Empathy is quite different, any damage you do to hedgehogs.. you will also recieve that damage yourself! Meaning your aim is to knock enemy hogs into the water whilst doing as little damage as possible, or you might end up blowing yourself up!
Apart from this, here is the list of bugs I've identified in 0.9.10 so far, that we hope to fix for 0.9.11
* Netgame hangs when one player leaves game sometimes
* Server crashes related to account integration
* Buffer errors occur sometimes
* Include files excluded from some release packages due to cmakelist
* Sync error in multiplayer lobby, some players not seeing selected predifined map, having to switch to generated map + back to make everyone see it
* under some circumstances (seems room being destroyed whilst playing is one) being returned to lobby causes game list to show incorrect data, refresh does nothing, only rejoining works.. is connection to lobby actually terminated?
* under some circumstances, closing a single player game generates an incorrect state error message, it doesn't actually cause any problems but it's annoying. I think it might be to do with leaving the multiplayer lobby then going into single player. Restarting frontend fixes it.
If anyone has found or discovered any other bugs, I'd appreciate them posting a comment on this news post to inform us!
Anyway those are our plans, more details on the next tournament soon.
I wonder who's going to take out Me and unC0Rr :)
Also, I've found proof that not upgrading hedgewars is the work of Satan himself, so upgrade!

- Uriah's blog
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Please make the game quit when the host destroys the server!
Many times I kept waiting because I thought it was lag.
(It would be great if hosting can be transferred on the fly to another player if the original host quits)
Also, please add incremental patches besides the complete downloads, because most of the things that are downloaded are already available in the previous installation.
It should do this already, the fact that it doesn't is a known bug, don't worry.
This is difficult for us to do, due to the open source/multiplatform nature of the game, but we will look into solutions
Last time unC0Rr was kicked by Andrey. What patner will he choose?
/me wonders why P (pause) does not work in network game anymore.. jose
Pause was removed due to abuse, pending rewrite.
on linux hwengine is not killed after end of a round and the game window stays on the screen even if you close the main window. if you just start another round the main window says "in game..." but the game window doesn't redraw it's content and cant be closed as well. when you restart the game and start a new round another hwengine instance is spawned and the game window from the first round remains on the screen. i also have so problems with in-game sound. though after some white magic and several restarts it works but i couldn't find the right consequence. all the bugs relate to human-to-ai game mode. i've never tried network or multiplayer modes.
ubuntu jaunty amd64. hedgewars compiled from the source.
New weapon? I really hope it's a rubber bomb...
jay - I've had that issue with pulseaudio before
restart pulseaudio, or switch sound systems would be my diagnosis.
I think there are some bugs on SDL/pulseaudio interaction in launchpad.
looks strange but after a restart not only the sound works fine but hwengine instances are destroyed properly also. thanks nemo.
Good! and...what about the music for the halloween theme? will it be inluded in this new version?
And the new weapon will be the jet pack?? yeeeeeeeeeessss
jet pack is not a weapon to begin with.
another bug (minor). from the window where you choose teams, map, weapon set and start the game itself click [Setup], choose arbitrary team, [Edit team], change voicepack, Save, Save, select team, start game, voicepack is not applied. for the change to be applied you need to go back to lobby. jose
< ironic >
oh my god! The jetpack is not a weapon! What a terrible mistake I made...
Next time I should check the definition of the noun "weapon" in the Encyclopedia Britannica before saying anything....
< /ironic >
I'm pretty sure the team changes not getting refreshed in game lobby has been in there for a long time.
Think I noticed it in 0.9.9, just didn't really care that much.
I've submitted an article about Hedgewars in N4g.com:
Please visit the link so that the article gets to the front page.
Hedge Maf
I've posted some links on my deviantART profile and my blog.
Explore them here: http://jonacid.deviantart.com/
correct some bugs like halloween theme song
i've corrected deleting a blank space in hell .ogg line at theme.cfg
and nature theme and hogville doesnt have a background
add a new weapon "machine gun missile"
is it normal invulnerability last only the turn that it is used? and no one more
thanks for this great game
On my Windows machine, if I play in reduced quality, hwengine ALWAYS crashes after round ends or I quit. This happens in singleplayer and multiplayer. It doesn't crash if I untick reduced quality but I prefer to play without backgrounds.
Sounds like nemo's fault
i suggest phosphor bomb as a new weapon.
edit: ..or missile.
Account integration isn't working for me. I haven't been asked for my password. And one question, there is Sound Scheme editor for Windows?
When will server be up again???
Hey Guys!
Just play Training Mode now. it's funny
Ähm training mode is broken the graphics are broken