Plans for the future?

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harmless911's picture
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What are the plans for the future? I mean, are you planning to make the game a worms clone, or take a different path? What direction is Hedgewars heading? And what are you going to concentrate of future releases (weapons, game options, bug fixes). Just asking.
BTW, now that I (probably) failed all my tests, I can make the trailer undisturbed. As I said, it should be done by the end of Sunday.

rbaleksandar's picture
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Big Grin What a great optimist you are. Smile Good luck with the tests. Well, about the bug fixes - no need to mention that. Usually in every new release there are bug fixes. Smile But I am very curious too about the other things that are going to happen.

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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i think that should take worms (classic) and another paths too

but the game must be a "perfect" worms 2 clone in a first place because, to survive, need to be attractive for players that are not used to open/free/indie software (that is something that usually kills a game development)

DrDickens's picture
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but the game must be a "perfect" worms 2 clone in a first place

Didn't read any further. Will you ever give up comparing? You want some worms? Go dig some. The statement above is somewhat offensive. It's said that the game's name is HedgeWARS, not HedgeWORMS. As it comes as an opensource freeware community based game it doesn't need millions of players. The first 3D FPS ever was Wolf3d. So what? All the FPS are wolf3d's perfect clones?

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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DrDickens allegedly wrote:

but the game must be a "perfect" worms 2 clone in a first place

Didn't read any further. Will you ever give up comparing? You want some worms? Go dig some. The statement above is somewhat offensive. It's said that the game's name is HedgeWARS, not HedgeWORMS. As it comes as an opensource freeware community based game it doesn't need millions of players. The first 3D FPS ever was Wolf3d. So what? All the FPS are wolf3d's perfect clones?

oooh, so sensitive...

if you dont read dont complain, period.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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I won't start no flamewar, i sworn to mah gawds. Anyways this game has it's own style (Mostly thanks to "Mr.T") ang has nothing in common with worms apart from the genre (provided you take a closer look).

rbaleksandar's picture
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lol DrDickens, you have a twin. Big Grin

stimpyjcat, the future will show where HW will go. One thing for sure - things will be taken from Worms, but it won't be Worms. Smile Even now if you compare these two, you'll see how different they are. And that's for good. Smile

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Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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