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I have created this thread for sharing tips and tactics. I know there is a tournament coming up and it wouldn't be wise to give away your tactics, but I think everyone should give at least one. So here is mine:
Construction is useful for
1. making a 'slide' for a mine
2. controlling the ballgun (as seen in the trailer)
3. trapping enemy hedges
4. making stair case
5. controlling a minestrike
6. making a defence
7. an alternate for rope (a little wasteful though)
8. making useless things like houses (as seen int the trailer)

User offline. Last seen 9 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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The Tournament will be, if is realeased.
I think it will not be a problem.

To Construction:
If you play a cavern map and you play with more than 2 players, you can build a base at the top of the map.
Very lame, but really useful!

Weapon I really like:
The dynamite
- does 70 damage, with extra damage more than 100.
- is sometimes used to get the enemys into water:
It has more range than firepunch and basebal bat is not available at the first and second round.

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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User offline. Last seen 9 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Did add a message 3 times, sry.

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