Nick collision - server game problem

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lolor1's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 31

I am having a problem with the internet game side of HW. I am really a bit confuzzeled. It's not my firewall or my anti-virus, i tried doing it with both turned off. And with Admin privilege. But most of the times i try it says "Server connection lost" "Warning: Nick Collision". All help in this regard would be much appreciated. I played on the net for a while. Turned of hedgewars. Had tea. Came back, and turned it on and it didn't work????

Please help. I love hedgewars.

Edit: Now it works again, 5 mins later ????????

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Smaxx's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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There was someone else online with the same nick (either you or someone else). Go to game settings and change your network name (it identifies you in chat and your pc - this won't replace your team name once in the game).

lolor1's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-12-19
Posts: 31

oh, yeah of course, that is very obvious. Thank you very much, I understand fully. So simple!


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