New Theme (need help and feedback)
Sat, 2009-05-23 01:41
Hi, I'm new to this whole theme-creation thing, so I used my spare time to do a theme based on my favorite first-person shooter DooM. Here is a screenshot of the landscape textures and background:
It ain't much since it's still being worked on. I have done 2 objects for the theme. First one you can already see in the screenshot. The other is here:
Currently I'm doing the remaining two for completion, but I really need help with making them since the original sprites are more complex.
So far the color seems too monotonous to me. But other than that, good job so far.
Well, I already knew that when I tested it, the overall grayness of the theme is susposed to match the first episode of Doom. The textures and objects are all made in paint and I suck at making the graphics look like in the original themes. This is why I need help on doing this. Thanks for your support though.

I like it.
You may also try adding some objects like a couple of monsters. 
Why not take some other level that isn't so gray.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it.
Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. 
Here's the part where I get frustrated, The 2-4 color scheme is what's holding me back on this theme. I would be very happy to have the option to use higher color schemes, but thats not going to happen. Now I'm in the situation where I desperately need help from the community.
Btw, almost every texture in DooM is one color. Mixing them would just look ugly and unattractive.
Here are some good screeshots. Use them for inspiration. It doesn't have to be a literal translation of Doom so long as it reminds the user of it. You could also use a wad expander and look at the textures in FreeDoom.